Lung Function Laboratory
Patient information
What we do
We perform a variety of lung function tests in the lab that provide information to better understand how well your lungs are functioning. Depending on the reason for referral, you may be asked to perform more than one type of test during your appointment.
Who we care for
We accept referrals from doctors (within and external to Alfred Health) for people aged 18 years of age or over who require assessment of their lung function.
What to expect
Prior to commencing the assessments, the Respiratory Scientist performing your assessment will confirm your identity (to ensure we are completing the right assessments for the right person) and check that you are safe to undertake the assessment.
Your weight will be measured at each occasion you attend for assessment. Your height will be measured at your initial visit and the first visit in each calendar year or, if you are under 22 years of age, at each visit. This assists us with calculation of appropriate reference values for interpretation of your results.
We may ask you to provide us with information about medications you take, your smoking history and recent foods you have ingested as these can impact the test results. We will also check that test preparation has been followed for tests requiring test preparation – the instructions will be sent to you with your appointment where test preparation is required.
Most lung function assessments will require you to complete a series of breathing manoeuvres under the direction of a respiratory scientist, generally via a mouthpiece connected to a measurement device. Many of the tests require maximal effort and cooperation from you in order to get valid results. The breathing manoeuvres may make you feel short of breath, puffed or even light headed, but we do allow time between tests for you to catch your breath.
Be sure to let the respiratory scientist know if you are feeling unwell during the tests.
For some tests a blood sample from a finger prick may be required.
For more information about some of our more specialised tests, click on the links below to read more:
- The Alfred - Lung Function Laboratory - Mannitol Challenge
- The Alfred - Lung Function Laboratory - Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (referral via medical specialist only)
- The Alfred - Lung Function Laboratory - Mannitol Challenge with Nasal Endoscope (referral via Middle Airway Clinic only)
- The Alfred - Lung Function Laboratory - Hypertonic saline for airway clearance assessment
- The Alfred - Lung Function Laboratory - Inhaled Mannitol to Assist Airway Clearance
- The Alfred - Lung Function Laboratory - Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test with Continuous Laryngoscopy (referral via Middle Airway Clinic only)
Please call the lab if you have an upcoming appointment and are feeling unwell.
How to access this service
Referral from your GP
You will need a referral letter from your GP or medical specialist to access this service.
Your doctor will need to fax or email your referral to us. We will review and prioritise the referral and you will either receive an appointment letter or we will contact you to arrange a suitable time depending on the priority and our waiting list length. Your appointment letter will include any test preparation instructions if required.
What to bring
Every time you come
- Medicare card
- List of medications you are currently taking (if performing Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test)
- Glasses, hearing aid(s), oxygen, and walking frame if needed
- If you need to bring portable oxygen, please ensure you have enough to last for the duration of the visit including travel time
- TAC or WorkCover claim number (if relevant)
- Photo of negative RAT from morning of test (if performing Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test or Mannitol challenge Test)
Clinic times
Day | Campus | Time |
Monday | The Alfred | 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:30pm |
Tuesday | The Alfred | 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:30pm - 4:30pm |
Wednesday | The Alfred | 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:30pm |
Thursday | The Alfred | 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:30pm |
Friday | The Alfred | 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 3:30pm |