Psychotropic Drug Advisory Service – PDAS

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What we do

PDAS is a Victorian statewide specialist service, based at Alfred Health. PDAS provides independent information on psychiatric medicines and other psychoactive substances to a broad customer base, including consultant psychiatrists, general practitioners, allied health professionals, consumers, carers, and other support organisations.

Commonly asked questions

Who provides the service?

Pharmacists experienced in medicines management within the specialty of mental health.

Who can access our service?

We welcome queries from all Victorians (health professionals and the general public).

How do we answer your enquiry?


  • Apply knowledge and experience of psychiatric medicines to support clinicians with complex enquiries, medication management and decision making
  • Utilise specialist resources, databases and experience of other clinicians to formulate and deliver a timely response
  • Provide additional information and/or guidance on other available information resources.
What sorts of questions can I ask?

You can ask general or more specific questions about your medicine(s) or those you care for.

PDAS can offer medicines advice but cannot comment or offer an opinion on diagnosis. Your questions might relate to the following:

  • What does the medicine do?
  • What side effects are common with my medication?
  • What can I do about the side effects from my medication?
  • Does this medicine interact with other medicines I am taking?
  • I’m taking … Are there other medicines I can discuss with my prescriber?
  • Can I take this natural medicine or complementary medicine with my prescribed medicines?
  • Will other drugs or substances (alcohol, tobacco, synthetic or illicit) affect my treatment or condition?
  • How does this drug affect my health?
Can I request additional information about my medicines?

Yes, PDAS has access to a range of resources or information for consumers and carers.  General or more specific information can be provided to you as needed.

Can I get help or advice in decisions regarding my medications?

PDAS can provide you with tailored information about mental health conditions and the medications available to help you and your treating team make informed decisions about choosing the right medicine.

Having information that is appropriate to your situation can help you to discuss your medication experience and options with your treating doctor or team.

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