Emergency at Sandringham
Patient information

What we do
Sandringham Emergency provides a 24 hour, 7 days a week service to the Bayside community for all emergencies or when a person becomes suddenly unwell or is injured.
We have an increasing number of patients each year, with over 30,000 patients a year on average, 30% of them children.
There are 6 main clinical areas:
- Assessment Area RITZ: 3 bays for rapid intervention and treatment
- Resuscitation Area: 2 bays equipped for patient resuscitation
- Acute Area: 7 bays with patient monitoring equipment
- Fast Track and Consulting rooms: 6 treatment areas, including facilities for procedures such as suturing, plastering, eye examination and ENT examination
- Short Stay Unit: 8 short stay beds for emergency patient admissions
- Sandringham Ambulatory Care Centre (SACC): external GP Clinic supporting low risk patients adjacent to Sandringham Emergency
Who we care for
Sandringham Emergency is equipped to see all paediatric and adult emergencies for assessment and stabilisation.
Patients can be admitted to Sandringham Hospital or may be transferred to another hospital as required.
Sandringham Hospital is part of Alfred Health and has established links to The Alfred for medical and surgical subspecialty referrals.
What to expect
Find out more about what to expect when you come to Sandringham Emergency.
What children can expect when visiting our Emergency Department
Commonly asked questions
Understanding your care
You should understand:
- The diagnosis of your presenting problem
- The result of any investigations
- The benefits and risks of any management including medications and operations
Under the circumstances, it is sometimes difficult to fully comprehend what is happening and you may not remember what you have been told. If so, please ask the nurse or doctor so that you feel at ease about your medical condition.
If you are admitted to the hospital, staff will discuss this with you. Sandringham Hospital is a public hospital, so your care as an inpatient is fully covered by Medicare. Overseas visitors may be required to pay for admission unless there is a reciprocal health care arrangement.
Sandringham Hospital is a part of Alfred Health, including The Alfred and Caulfield Hospitals. The doctor caring for you will decide where you are best treated and will organise your transfer if necessary. If you are transferred to another hospital, an ambulance will be provided.
How to access this service
No referral needed
You do not need a referral letter from your doctor to access this service.
What to bring
When you come to Emergency
- Any letters or correspondence from your GP, to assist in determining your health status and urgency category at the time of your arrival
- Medicare card
- Health Care and/or concession card (if you have one)
- Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
- Medicines you need to take while you are here
- List of medicines you are currently taking (or the boxes), including medicines you have bought without a prescription, such as herbal supplements and vitamins
- Relevant x-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
- Private health insurance card (if you want to use it)
- Glasses, hearing aid, walking frame
For an overnight (or longer) stay
- Dressing gown and slippers, or comfortable day clothes and shoes
- Personal hygiene items, such as shampoo, shaving equipment, toothpaste and deodorant
- Something to do, like a book to read, a magazine or an iPad or tablet with headphones