Protect our patients, visit when well

Visiting family and friends in hospital when you are sick puts everyone at risk.

Many illnesses including colds, flu and gastroenteritis are readily spread from person-to-person.

If you are feeling unwell, staying away until you are symptom free is the safest option for your loved one, hospital staff and other visitors.

“Across Alfred Health we have some patients who are at greater risk of complications from illness such as influenza,” said Pauline Bass, Infection Prevention Nurse Consultant.

“It is so important we protect our patients, and staying away if you are unwell will help us do this.”

There are additional ways to help protect yourself and your loved ones, including performing regular hand hygiene:

  • before and after entering your loved one’s room
  • before and after eating
  • after coughing or sneezing
  • after using the toilet

Help fight the flu

Ensure your vaccinations are up to date including your annual flu vaccination. The flu virus lives in tiny droplets from coughs and sneezes. It can travel one to two metres and live on surfaces for 48 hours. You can be contagious before you feel sick, and for up to seven days after your symptoms start.

The flu doesn’t discriminate, and anyone can be affected - that’s why it is so important that everyone in the community plays their part in helping fight the flu.

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