Infectious diseases

The Alfred's Department of Infectious Diseases is one of the largest and most comprehensive infectious diseases clinical services in Australia. It is also an academic department attached to Monash University and is a premier centre for clinical and biomedical research and education.

The Department provides clinical care for people in hospital and in the community with a range of infections and infectious diseases. Expertise includes:

  • general infectious diseases
  • HIV/AIDS, with a statewide HIV service
  • hospital-acquired infections and antimicrobial resistance
  • infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship
  • travel-related infections
  • viral hepatitis
  • sexually-transmitted infections and
  • infections in immunocompromised patients (including critical care, burns, cystic fibrosis and solid organ -lung, heart and kidney - and stem cell transplant recipients).

Our services

We provide both outpatient ambulatory services and inpatient services. The Department of Infectious Diseases includes these specialist areas:

  • General Infectious Diseases
  • Victorian HIV Service
  • Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology
  • Infectious Diseases in Specialist Medical Units
  • Immunocompromised Host Service
  • Viral Hepatitis Service
  • Spleen Australia
  • Travel Medicine
  • Antibiotic Stewardship
  • VICPhage Service

The Department of Infectious Diseases has a dedicated outpatient clinic, which runs Monday to Friday.

We also provide infectious diseases care to a large number of patients receiving Hospital In The Home (HITH).

Our teaching and education

A range of advanced training opportunities are provided across the community for health professionals and General Practitioners.

The department also provides undergraduate education and advanced training for registrars in Infectious Diseases through the inpatient clinical service. Rotations include general Infectious Diseases, HIV as well as the consult service for general Infectious Diseases and Immunocompromised Host service. Registrars can gain experience in the services large outpatient and ambulatory care service.

Our research

The Department of Infectious Diseases is a premier centre for clinical and biomedical research and education, offering undergraduate and postgraduate study programs.

We integrate patient care with clinical and basic science research. Our Clinical Research Unit provides access to a range of infectious diseases and HIV clinical trials, allowing our patients the opportunity to participate in the latest clinical trials occurring nationally and internationally.

Research areas

We have active research programs in the fields of:

  • HIV
  • viral hepatitis
  • infections in the immunosuppressed
  • influenza
  • health services research
  • evidence synthesis
  • drug resistant organisms
  • international health
  • hospital epidemiology.

Find out more information about areas of research and research groups: