Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


Front of The Alfred
Visitor restrictions at Alfred Health
18 September 2020
A statement from Professor Andrew Way, Chief Executive of Alfred Health, regarding visitor restrictions.
Asthma patients urged to review medication
18 September 2020
Respiratory specialists at The Alfred are urging people with asthma to review their medication after new research found one quarter of people who use inhaler controllers receive potentially toxic cumulative doses of oral corticosteroid.
research & innovation
A/Prof Victoria Marlooking in a microscope
Testing AI for skin cancer
16 September 2020
Artificial intelligence (AI) could soon become a powerful tool in skin cancer assessment. The Victorian Melanoma Service is currently conducting a trial into the effectiveness of the technology. 
research & innovation
Cardiologists stand in an Alfred Cathlab
Breathless? Clinic to measure heart health after COVID
4 September 2020
The first specialist clinic in Australia to study the impact of COVID-19 on the heart is opening at The Alfred.
Emergency physician Rob Mitchell
Lockdown leads to fewer people seeking medical care
28 August 2020
Victoria’s State of Emergency (SOE) measures resulted in almost 40 per cent less people presenting to Alfred Health’s emergency departments earlier this year, prompting doctors to issue an urgent call for people to continue seeking medical care if they need it.
emergency & trauma
Neurosurgery procedure
New hope for brain cancer treatment
28 August 2020
Making up 80 per-cent of all brain tumours in adults, gliomas such as glioblastoma (GBM) are the most common and aggressive form of brain cancer. Killing more people under forty than any other cancer, a quarter of a million people die every year from these tumours – despite current treatment options the average survival for a GBM is only 14-15 months after diagnosis
research & innovation
Anthony Cignarella
Communicating in a mask
12 August 2020
For many of us, wearing a mask is a necessary inconvenience. But for the one in six people in our community who are deaf or hearing impaired, wearing masks can be incredibly isolating. Anthony Cignarella is a nurse educator in our heart and lung team – he’s also hearing impaired. He’s put together some tips on communicating while wearing a mask.
Craig’s second lease on life
31 July 2020
For the first time in fifteen years Craig is able to feel his toes again. Craig received a life changing heart transplant just over two months ago and has never felt more alive.
Self swabbing
Drug trial aims to clear COVID-19 virus faster
30 July 2020
Researchers from The Alfred and Monash University have set out to determine whether an antiviral medication used to treat influenza could help people with COVID-19 recover faster.
research & innovation
Dr Dashiell Gantner
Why talking about death is so important
29 July 2020
Working in the intensive care unit (ICU) as a consultant and medical donation specialist, Dr Dashiell Gantner understands that at the end of a person’s life, knowing that their choices will be respected is very important.
intensive care