Paying it forward

When Alfred ICU and hyperbaric nurse Natalie McGregor was diagnosed with cancer, she found out how hard it was to be a patient – it left her emotionally and physically drained.
Out the other side of that illness, Natalie feels that she’s a better nurse, more aware of how to help her patients. Now she’s paying it forward.
“When you’re told you have cancer, the instant fear and sadness is overwhelming but in my case I had a team of health professionals from two hospitals that not only made me feel safe, but showed me dedication, kindness and compassion beyond words,” Natt said.
“It’s been five years since I finished my treatment and two years since the loss of my dearest friend to cancer but those teams are still by my side and have helped me navigate life after cancer.”
To give back, Natt and a team of mates will be trekking the Scottish Highlands along the Rob Roy Way, following the trails of her ancestors, the McGregors. The team of eight, including six Alfred nurses and two Victoria Police officers, will complete the 124km journey over 10 days in April next year.
Training for the event has now begun, with the team focusing on improving their fitness.
The aim is to raise $20,000 for cancer care
All funds raised during the Rob Roy Way Challenge will support radiation and oncology services at The Alfred Radiation Oncology and Cabrini Breast Cancer Oncology (Brightways).