PrEPX Study Expands to Tasmania

Victoria’s largest study into HIV prevention medication will expand into Tasmania following funding from the Tasmania Department of Health, the study begins next Monday 25 September.
Victoria’s largest study into HIV prevention medication will expand into Tasmania following funding from the Tasmania Department of Health, the study begins next Monday 25 September.
PrEPX Tasmania is an expansion of the highly successful PrEPX Victoria study coordinated by Alfred Health, which has enrolled more than 3500 people since it launched in 2016.
The study will investigate whether providing large scale access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) medication will reduce the rates of new HIV infection in Tasmania.
A/Prof Edwina Wright, Principle Investigator of the study at The Alfred, said the study would allow unprecedented access to PrEP medication to Tasmanians. PrEP is not listed on the PBS in Australia.
“Around 1000 people are diagnosed with HIV infection in Australia every year. People taking PrEP medication daily can reduce their chance of HIV infection by up to 99 per cent,” A/Prof Wright said.
“Making PrEP available in Tasmania will hopefully slow the spread of HIV and see less Tasmanians contract the disease.”
Associate Professor Louise Owen, Director of Sexual Health Services Tasmania, said the study would boost the state’s current HIV prevention programs.
“We are pleased to have this collaboration with our Victorian colleagues and appreciate their expertise and assistance in getting us to this point,” A/Prof Owen said.
“This is an essential addition to our HIV prevention measures along with increased HIV testing, access to treatments and care for all.”
Anyone who is interested in participating in the study can find further details on the PrEPX-Tas page.
Participating clinics are:
Sexual Health Service Hobart
Sexual Health Service Launceston
Sexual Health Service Outreach Clinic - Devonport.
Alfred Health has partnered with the Tasmanian Department of Health, Sexual Health Services Tasmania and TasCAHRD to launch PrEPX Tasmania.