Starting a conversation on the future of HIV care

Alfred Health wants to hear from Victoria’s HIV community to help guide the future of HIV care.
The Alfred’s Director of HIV Medicine Professor Jenny Hoy urged the community to join the conversation by completing a short, anonymous and confidential survey.
“We want to hear the voices of as many people living with HIV as possible,” Professor Hoy said.
“There is diversity within our community, and the care needs of people living with HIV are changing.
“With the support and involvement of several Victorian HIV organisations, we want to better understand this diversity and honour past personal experiences as we shape services for the years to come.”
Living Positive Victoria CEO Richard Keane said this was an opportunity for people living with HIV to have a say in their future care.
“It’s really important that people living with HIV take the opportunity to be meaningfully involved with this process,” Mr Keane said.
“Living Positive Victoria shares The Alfred’s desire to find out what people know about the range of services within The Alfred, and what the future might be.”
In-person and virtual ‘coffee table’ discussions will be held in the next few weeks with peak bodies and support groups, offering another opportunity for people living with HIV to provide insights into their experiences and needs.
Positive Women Victoria Vice Chair Mel Spencer said diversity of opinions and view are crucial to any successful conversation.
“We know the needs of positive women are changing, and it's important as many women as possible share their experiences and are heard,” Ms Spencer said.
The survey takes less than ten minutes to complete and will be open until 31 April 2021 at: Help us build the future of HIV
It can also be accessed through Alfred HIV specialists; treating GPs, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, and several HIV Victorian organisations.