Supporting our LGBTIQA+ community through the marriage equality debate

18 August 2017
The Alfred staff show their support
The Alfred staff show their support

Alfred Health is concerned for the wellbeing of the LGBTIQA+ community during the proposed ballot on marriage equality, and offer our continued support.

As a leading provider of health care to thousands of Victorians each year, Alfred Health cares for many LGBTIQA+ patients, their families and carers. Many of our staff are part of this community. 

We acknowledge that there will be many opinions during this discussion; we urge a calm and considered debate that is respectful of all views.

We recognise that some of our patients and staff may feel vulnerable at this time and encourage those who need support to reach out to those services that offer assistance at Alfred Health and elsewhere.

Mr Michael Gorton AM, Board Chair, Alfred Health  |  Professor Andrew Way, Chief Executive, Alfred Health
