Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


Annual Meeting 2023
7 December 2023
Alfred Health’s Annual Meeting was held on 6 December 2023. It provided an overview of events and activities at the health service over the past year.
Indigenous Garden opens
3 July 2023
The new Indigenous Garden at The Alfred has officially opened and is open to patients, visitors and staff.
aboriginal events
Alfred stroke team receives certification
5 May 2023
The stroke team at The Alfred is delighted to be the first in Victoria to receive Australian Stroke Coalition Stroke Unit Certification.
research & innovation
Donors help fund Australian-first technology
6 April 2023
In an Australian first, The Alfred Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is now home to a mobile computed tomography (CT) scanner. With no other ICU in the country using mobile CT, the installation of the machine in 2022 was the culmination of a six-year project to revolutionise the way ICU patients, especially those who need head CT scans, are cared for. Costing just more than $1 million to purchase and install, the project could never have been achieved without the $850,000 generously contributed by the community.
emergency & trauma
intensive care
research & innovation
the alfred foundation
Group of 5 Alfred Health staff representing doctors, nurses, surgeons and allied health professionals.
Annual Meeting 2022
9 February 2023
Alfred Health's Annual Meeting was held on 9 February 2023, at 2:00pm. It provided an overview of events and activities at the health service over the past year. 
Australian-first brings life-saving technology to the bedside
23 January 2023
A mobile CT scanner is being utilised at the bedsides of critically ill ICU patients for the first time in Australia, allowing specialists at The Alfred to quickly identify potentially life-threatening injuries in rapid time.
research & innovation
Staff and survivors reflect on Bali bombings 20 years on
12 October 2022
Twenty years may have passed, but for Bali bombing survivor Dale Atkin his time at The Alfred seems like it was “just yesterday.”
emergency & trauma
Moments of mindfulness bring calm to busy teams
10 October 2022
A few moments of guided mindfulness amongst busy hospital teams can significantly improve staff wellbeing, connection and potentially patient outcomes, says a new study out of Alfred Health.
mental health
research & innovation
Reaching out to vulnerable Victorians
3 October 2022
It’s the small things that have the biggest impact on social worker Debbie Sulman and her team at Alfred Health’s Homeless Outreach Psychiatric Service (HOPS). 
mental health
R U OK? for every day
8 September 2022
As part of RUOK? Day this week, Alfred Health staff from across all sites tuned into a conversation about the importance of compassion for others and for self. 
mental health