The Alfred Drink Drive Behaviour Change Program

The Alfred Drink Driver Behaviour Change Program is a program approved by VicRoads under the Road Safety Act 1986, and is one of a number of providers approved by VicRoads to deliver Drink Behaviour Change Programs. The goal of the Alfred DD BCP is to support participants to reduce the risk of re-offending once you have your licence back.

Who is this program for?

The Drink Drive program applies to you if:

  • You were caught drink-driving with a blood or breath alcohol concentration (BAC) of less than 0.15, and
  • It was a first drink or drug driving offence, and
  • You did not have drugs in your system

Please note: If your VicRoads letter specifies that you need to complete a Drug Driving or an Intensive Program you can consult the VicRoads Behaviour Change Program Providers on their website for information about this program.

Why choose The Alfred’s Drink Drive program?

  • The program is facilitated by VicRoads accredited Social Workers from The Alfred’s Department of Patient & Family Services
  • The Program is approved by VicRoads under the Road Safety Act 1986
  • It is a six hour program held on two weekday evenings a week apart, from 5:15 pm - 8:30 pm

How do I get a Certificate of Completion?

You will need to participate in all aspects of the Program including:

  • Attending punctually for both weeks 1 and 2 for the full Program
  • Contributing to group activities and discussions
  • Completing a participant handbook
  • Completing the Alcohol (AUDIT) Use Questionnaire to determine if you could benefit from further support. If so, the facilitator will provide you with a referral for this support.
  • Paying the course fees - currently $400 Full rate, $350 Centrelink Concession rate

After meeting all these participation requirements, you will receive a Certificate of Completion which should be presented to VicRoads.

Fees: $400 includes $67 for VicRoads Program Cost Recovery Fee
($350 Concession includes $34 VicRoads Program Cost Recovery Fee)

How do I enrol in the program?

If you wish to enrol in a Program, contact the Drink Drive Booking number on 0487 619 859 to enquire about specific dates.