Research Review Committee
The Research Review Committee is a sub-committee of the Ethics Committee.
It reviews drug, device and interventional research projects for scientific validity. Membership includes a clinical pharmacologist who reviews all CTN applications.
Meetings are held two weeks before the main Ethics Committee meeting. The Research Review Committee makes recommendations regarding approval or interviews to the Ethics Committee.
Committee members
- Chair: Professor Colin Johnston AO
- Professor Leon Bach (Endocrinology)
- Professor Flavia Cicuttini (Rheumatology)
- Adam Cunningham (Pharmacy)
- Professor Richard Gerraty (Neurology)
- Dr Enjarn Lin (Anaesthesia)
- Professor John McNeil AO (Ex-Officio)
- Dr James Shaw (Cardiology)
- Dr Dion Stub (Cardiology)
- Professor Dominic Thyagarajan (Neurology)
- Dr Mark Voskoboynik (Medical Oncology)

Ethics Committee meeting dates
Our Ethics Committee meets monthly to review ethics applications.
Find out more