Ethics submission process

Submission of applications to the Alfred Hospital Ethics Committee

Step 1 - Registration with the Office of Ethics & Research Governance

Researchers need to email their application to

Applications for full Ethics Committee review are due by 5pm on the project registration date. Applications may be submitted before the due date. Late applications will not be accepted for the current project month/round.

Attach all documents that are relevant to the project as separate files, not a single pdf file. 

Applications should be as complete as possible, and must include a Protocol and HREA (and, if applicable, VSM and PICFs). If anything else is missing or incomplete, make this clear in the email.

Provide the Ethics Submission checklist so a project container can be set up in the Alfred's web-based ethics application management system, ERA.

For the HREA, VSM and SSA (if applicable) created in ERM:

  • Do not upload the VSM, protocol, or other attachments into the HREA
  • Do not submit the HREA in ERM
  • Do not upload attachments into the SSA
  • Do not submit the SSA in ERM
  • Use the print function to generate a pdf of the HREA, VSM and SSA for registration.

Signatures are not necessary at this stage, but names of all signatories should be typed into the relevant sections and forms. Signatures must be submitted with the full project submission.

For immediate confirmation that the email has been delivered, researchers are advised to set up an automated 'Delivery Receipt Notification' before the email is sent.

Once registered, researchers will be allocated a project number, given a list of outstanding items for the full submission and full submission instructions. These will be emailed.

Step 2 - Project submission - Full submission

All researchers are to submit their applications through the Alfred's web-based ethics application management system ERA (Ethics Research Administration).

Researchers must follow the information in the full-submission-instructions email on how to submit in ERM and ERA. 

Signatures can be inserted into a document or individual signed pages can be scanned and saved as a PDF.

Applications must be complete and uploaded in ERA by the full submission date.

Report writing

Ethics Committee meeting dates

Our Ethics Committee meets monthly to review ethics applications. 

Find out more