Research publications
Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals.
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Segelov E, Waring P, Desai J, Wilson K, Gebski V, Thavaneswaran S, Elez E, Underhill C, Pavlakis N, Chantrill L, Nott L, Jefford M, Khasraw M, Day F, Wasan H, Ciardiello F, Karapetis C, Joubert W, van Hazel G, Haydon A, Price T, Tejpar S, Tebbutt N, Shapi
(2016), BMC Cancer, 16,
Jefford M, Gough K, Drosdowsky A, Russell L, Aranda S, Butow P, Phipps-Nelson J, Young J, Krishnasamy M, Ugalde A, King D, Strickland A, Franco M, Blum R, Johnson C, Ganju V, Shapiro J, Chong G, Charlton J, Haydon A, Schofield P
(2016), Oncologist, 21(8),
Tie J, Wang Y, Tomasetti C, Li L, Springer S, Kinde I, Silliman N, Tacey M, Wong HL, Christie M, Kosmider S, Skinner I, Wong R, Steel M, Tran B, Desai J, Jones I, Haydon A, Hayes T, Price TJ, Strausberg RL, Diaz LA Jr, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Vogelste
(2016), Sci Transl Med, 8(346),
Atkinson V, Long GV, Menzies AM, McArthur G, Carlino MS, Millward M, Roberts-Thomson R, Brady B, Kefford R, Haydon A, Cebon J
(2016), Asia Pac J Clin Oncol, 12 Suppl 7,
Voskoboynik M, Mar V, Mailer S, Colebatch A, Fennessy A, Logan A, Hewitt C, Cebon J, Kelly J, McArthur G
(2016), Pigment Cell Melanoma Res, 29(2),
Voskoboynik M, Arkenau H-T
(2015), In: Vallisuta O, Olimat S (eds), Drug Discovery and Development - From Molecules to Medicine, InTech, Croatia, Chapter 3, 65-82
Haydon A, Moore M
(2015), Med Today, 16(9), 58-61
Haydon A, Tay R, Mak G, Shapiro J
(2015), Case Rep Clin Med, 4(3), 73-6
Klein O, Davis ID, McArthur GA, Chen L, Haydon A, Parente P, Dimopoulos N, Jackson H, Xiao K, Maraskovsky E, Hopkins W, Stan R, Chen W, Cebon J
(2015), Cancer Immunol Immunother, 64(4), 507-18
Hersh EM, Del Vecchio M, Brown MP, Kefford R, Loquai C, Testori A, Bhatia S, Gutzmer R, Conry R, Haydon A, Robert C, Ernst S, Homsi J, Grob JJ, Kendra K, Agarwala SS, Li M, Clawson A, Brachmann C, Karnoub M, Elias I, Renschler MF, Hauschild A
(2015), Ann Oncol, 26(11), 2267-74
Pan Y, Haydon AM, McLean CA, McDonald PB, Kelly JW
(2015), Australas J Dermatol, 56(1), 25-8
George M, Schwarz M, McKinnon R
(2014), In: Sabesan S, Olver I (eds), Clinical Oncology for Medical Students. Sydney: Cancer Council Australia, Chapter 10,
Lane H, Weil J, Jelinek GA, Boughey M, Marck CH, Weiland TJ, Haydon A, Philip J
(2014), Support Care Cancer, 22(4), 1029-35
Stirling RG, Evans SM, McLaughlin P, Senthuren M, Millar J, Gooi J, Irving L, Mitchell P, Haydon A, Ruben J, Conron M, Leong T, Watkins N, McNeil JJ
(2014), Lung, 192(5), 749-58
Bell RJ, Fradkin P, Robinson PJ, Schwarz M, Davis SR
(2014), Intern Med J, 44(4), 332-8
Panjari M, Robinson PJ, Davis SR, Schwarz M, Bell RJ
(2014), J Geriatr Oncol, 5(2), 141-7
Bell RJ, Robinson PJ, Nazeem F, Panjari M, Fradkin P, Schwarz M, Davis SR
(2014), J Cancer Surviv, 8(1), 1-8
Siu LL, Shapiro JD, Jonker DJ, Karapetis CS, Zalcberg JR, Simes J, Couture F, Moore MJ, Price TJ, Siddiqui J, Nott LM, Charpentier D, Liauw W, Sawyer MB, Jefford M, Magoski NM, Haydon A, Walters I, Ringash J, Tu D, O'Callaghan CJ
(2013), J Clin Oncol, 31(19), 2477-84
Walsh MD, Clendenning M, Williamson E, Pearson SA, Walters RJ, Nagler B, Packenas D, Win AK, Hopper JL, Jenkins MA, Haydon AM, Rosty C, English DR, Giles GG, McGuckin MA, Young JP, Buchanan DD
(2013), Mod Pathol, 26(12), 1642-56
Read TR, Huson KL, Millar JL, Haydon A, Porter IW, Grulich AE, Hocking JS, Chen MY, Bradshaw CS, Fairley CK
(2013), Int J STD AIDS, 24(11), 879-82