Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Micronutrient intake from enteral nutrition in critically ill adults: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials

Breik L, Tatucu-Babet OA, Ridley EJ

(2022), Aust Crit Care, 35(5), 564-74

DOI: 10.1016/j.aucc.2021.09.001

Protein prescription and delivery practices in critically ill adults: A survey of Australian and New Zealand intensive care dietitians

Lyons GCE, Summers MJ, Schultz TJ, Lambell K, Ridley EJ, Fetterplace K, Yandell R, Chapple LS

(2022), Aust Crit Care, 35(5), 543-9

DOI: 10.1016/j.aucc.2021.08.004

Methodological Rigor and Transparency in Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition Care in Critically Ill Adults: A Systematic Review Using the AGREE II and AGREE-REX Tools

Noyahr JK, Tatucu-Babet OA, Chapple LS, Barlow CJ, Chapman MJ, Deane AM, Fetterplace K, Hodgson CL, Winderlich J, Udy AA, Marshall AP, Ridley EJ

(2022), Nutrients, 14(13), 2603

DOI: 10.3390/nu14132603

Protocol summary and statistical analysis plan for Intensive Nutrition Therapy comparEd to usual care iN criTically ill adults (INTENT): a phase II randomised controlled trial

Ridley EJ, Bailey M, Chapman M, Chapple LS, Deane AM, Hodgson C, King VL, Marshall A, Miller EG, McGuinness SP, Parke R, Udy AA; the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group

(2022), BMJ Open, 12(3), e050153

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050153

Time to combine: Integrating physical therapy and nutrition

Ridley EJ, Chapple LS

(2022), INTENS CRIT CARE NUR, 71, 103263

DOI: 10.1016/j.iccn.2022.103263

Nutrition before, during and after critical illness

Ridley EJ, Lambell K

(2022), Curr Opin Crit Care, 28(4), 395-400

DOI: 10.1097/MCC.0000000000000961

Use of a sensitive multisugar test for measuring segmental intestinal permeability in critically ill, mechanically ventilated adults: A pilot study

Tatucu-Babet OA, Forsyth A, Udy A, Radcliffe J, Benheim D, Calkin C, Ridley EJ, Gantner D, Jois M, Itsiopoulos C, Tierney AC

(2022), JPEN-PARENTER ENTER, 46(2), 454-61

DOI: 10.1002/jpen.2110

How much underfeeding can the critically ill adult patient tolerate?

Tatucu-Babet OA, Ridley EJ

(2022), Journal of Intensive Medicine, 2(2), 69-77

DOI: 10.1016/j.jointm.2022.01.002

Fasting practices of enteral nutrition delivery for airway procedures in critically ill adult patients: A scoping review

Varghese JA, Tatucu-Babet OA, Miller E, Lambell K, Deane AM, Burrell AJC, Ridley EJ

(2022), J Crit Care, 72, 154144

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2022.154144

Nutrition management of critically ill adult patients requiring non-invasive ventilation: a scoping review protocol

Viner Smith E, Ridley EJ, Rayner CK, Chapple LS

(2022), JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(7), 1814-20

DOI: 10.11124/JBIES-21-00328

Nutrition Management for Critically Ill Adult Patients Requiring Non-Invasive Ventilation: A Scoping Review

Viner Smith E, Ridley EJ, Rayner CK, Chapple LS

(2022), Nutrients, 14(7), 1446

DOI: 10.3390/nu14071446

Modified low ratio ketogenic therapy in the treatment of adults with super-refractory status epilepticus

Kaul N, Nation J, Laing J, Nicolo JP, Deane AM, Udy AA, Kwan P, O'Brien TJ

(2022), JPEN-PARENTER ENTER, 46(8), 1819-27

DOI: 10.1002/jpen.2373

Nutrition adequacy, gastrointestinal, and hepatic function during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in critically ill adults: A retrospective observational study

Visvalingam R, Ridley E, Barnett A, Rahman T, Fraser JF

(2022), Artif Organs, 46(9), 1886-92

DOI: 10.1111/aor.14269

Feed modification for increased energy and protein density as nutrition therapy in critically ill children: A protocol for a scoping review

Winderlich J, Little B, Anderson A, Oberender F, Udy AA, Ridley EJ

(2022), Clinical Nutrition Open Science, 46, 13-9

DOI: 10.1016/j.nutos.2022.10.002

Measuring recovery in Arabic countries: Translation of the self-efficacy for personal recovery scale

Ibrahim N, Newby C, Thomas N, Slade M

(2022), INT J SOC PSYCHIATR, 68(7), 1428-34

DOI: 10.1177/00207640211028604

Do recovery-oriented messages improve self-efficacy and positive emotions amongst people with lived experience of psychosis? Experimental investigation

McLeod B, Meyer C, Meyer D, Nunan C, Murray G, Farhall J, Thomas N

(2022), PSYCHOL PSYCHOTHER-T, 95(4), 1003-17

DOI: 10.1111/papt.12415

'Like jumping off a ledge into the water': A qualitative study of trauma-focussed imaginal exposure for hearing voices

Feary N, Brand R, Williams A, Thomas N

(2022), PSYCHOL PSYCHOTHER-T, 95(1), 277-94

DOI: 10.1111/papt.12372

From core schemas about the self and others to voice phenomenology: Anxiety and depression affect voice hearers differently

Kusztrits I, Toh WL, Thomas N, Larøi F, Meyers D, Hirnstein M, Rossell S

(2022), PSYCHOL PSYCHOTHER-T, 95(2), 493-507

DOI: 10.1111/papt.12384

Design considerations for supporting mindfulness in virtual reality

Kelly RM, Seabrook EM, Foley F, Thomas N, Nedeljkovic M, Wadley G

(2022), Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2, e672556

DOI: 10.3389/frvir.2021.672556

Comparison of the Phenomenology of Hallucination and Delusion Characteristics in People Diagnosed With Borderline Personality Disorder and Schizophrenia

Merrett Z, Castle DJ, Thomas N, Toh WL, Beatson J, Broadbear J, Rao S, Rossell SL

(2022), J Pers Disord, 36(4), 413-30

DOI: 10.1521/pedi.2022.36.4.413