Research publications
Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals.
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Larizza MA, Dooley MJ, Stewart K, Kong DC
(2006), J Pharm Pract Res, 36, 115-8
Hussainy SY, Beattie J, Nation RL, Dooley MJ, Fleming J, Wein S, Pisasale M, Scott WJ, Marriott JL.
(2006), Support Care Cancer, 14(2), 177-84
Hassali MA, Kong DC, Stewart K
(2006), J Generic Medicine, 3(3), 214-25
Hassali MA, Kong DC, Stewart K
(2006), J Pharma Finance, Economics and Policy, 14(3), 27-45
George J, Vuong T, Bailey MJ, Kong DC, Marriott JL, Stewart K
(2006), J Pharm Pract Res, 36(2), 99-102
George J, Vuong T, Bailey MJ, Kong DC, Marriott JL, Stewart K
(2006), Ann Pharmacother, 40(4), 645-50
George J, Mackinnon A, Kong DC, Stewart K
(2006), Patient Education and Counseling, 64(1-3), 50-60
George J, Kong DC, Santamaria NM, Ioannides-Demos LL, Stewart K
(2006), J Pharm Pract Res, 36(2), 107-10
George J, Kong DC, Santamaria NM, Ioannides-Demos LL, Stewart K
(2006), J Pharm Pract Res, 36(4), 278-86
Dooley M, Van de Vreede M
(2006), Lancet, 368(9545), 1419-20
Burdeu G, Crawford R, van de Vreede M, McCann J
(2006), J Nurs Care Qual, 21(2), 151-9
Yap KS, Gould P, Kalff V, Kaye DM, Esmore D, Kelly MJ
(2006), J Heart Lung Transplant, 25(8), 977-80
Nandurkar D, Kalff V, Turlakow A, Spencer A, Bailey MJ, Kelly MJ
(2006), Eur J Haematol, 76(2), 141-6
Kalff V, Duong C, Drummond EG, Matthews JP, Hicks RJ
(2006), J Nucl Med, 47(1), 14-22
Cebon J; Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG) Ag0001H Investigators
(2006), Br J Cancer, 95(7), 853-61
Williams SG, Duchesne GM, Gogna NK, Millar JL, Pickles T, Pratt GR, Turner S
(2006), Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 65(2), 351-7
Rosenthal MA, Drummond KJ, Dally M, Murphy M, Cher L, Ashley D, Thursfield V, Giles GG
(2006), Med J Aust, 184(6), 270-3
Poulsen MG, Rischin D, Porter I, Walpole E, Harvey J, Hamilton C, Keller J, Tripcony L
(2006), Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 64(1), 114-9
Ng M, Wirth A, Ryan G, MacManus M, Davis S
(2006), Australas Radiol, 50(3), 222-7
Newton FJ, Burney S, Millar JL, Frydenberg M, Ng KT
(2006), BJU Int, 97(6), 1179-83