Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Collagen-targeted peptides for molecular imaging of diffuse cardiac fibrosis

Ezeani, Martin; Noor, Asif; Alt, Karen; Lal, Sean; Donnelly, Paul S.; Hagemeyer, Christoph E.; Niego, Be’Eri

(2021), J AM HEART ASSOC, 10(18), e022139

DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.121.022139

Anaesthetic depth and delirium after major surgery

Evered, Lisbeth A.; Chan, Matthew T.V.; Han, Ruquan; Chu, Mandy H.M.; Cheng, Benny P.; Scott, David A.; Pryor, Kane O.; Sessler, Daniel I.; Veselis, Robert; Frampton, Christopher; Sumner, Matthew; Ayeni, Ade; Myles, Paul S.; Campbell, Douglas; Leslie, Kat

(2021), BRIT J ANAESTH, 127(5), 704-712

DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2021.07.021

Letter: improved parsimony of genetic risk scores for coeliac disease through refined HLA modelling

Erlichster, Michael; Bedo, Justin; Skafidas, Efstratios; Kwan, Patrick; Kowalczyk, Adam; Goudey, Benjamin

(2021), ALIMENT PHARM THER, 53(6), 759-760

DOI: 10.1111/apt.16263

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in autism spectrum disorder

Enticott, Peter G.; Barlow, Karen; Guastella, Adam J.; Licari, Melissa K.; Rogasch, Nigel C.; Middeldorp, Christel M.; Clark, Scott R.; Vallence, Ann Maree; Boulton, Kelsie A.; Hickie, Ian B.; Whitehouse, Andrew J.O.; Galletly, Cherrie; Alvares, Gail A.;

(2021), BMJ OPEN, 11(7), e046830

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046830

A systematic review of psychological treatments to manage fatigue in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Emerson, Catherine; Barhoun, Pamela; Olive, Lisa; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Matthew; Gibson, Peter R.; Skvarc, David; Mikocka-Walus, Antonina

(2021), J PSYCHOSOM RES, 147, 110524

DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2021.110524

Effectiveness of standard urotherapy (basic bladder advice) and combination therapies in managing bladder dysfunction in children with treated behavioral disorders

Eliezer, Dilharan D.; Samnakay, Naeem; Starkey, Malcolm R.; Deshpande, Aniruddh V.

(2021), LUTS, 13(4), 490-497

DOI: 10.1111/luts.12400

Five Years of GenoTyphi: Updates to the Global Salmonella Typhi Genotyping Framework

Dyson, Zoe A.; Holt, Kathryn E.

(2021), J INFECT DIS, 224(7), S775-S780

DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab414

High rates of JCV seroconversion in a large international cohort of natalizumab-treated patients

Dwyer, Christopher M.; Jokubaitis, Vilija G.; Stankovich, Jim; Baker, Josephine; Haartsen, Jodi; Butzkueven, Helmut; Cartwright, Adriana; Shuey, Neil; Fragoso, Yara Dadalti; Rath, Louise; Skibina, Olga; Fryer, Kylie; Butler, Ernest; Coleman, Jennifer; Mac


DOI: 10.1177/1756286421998915

Intra-anal imiquimod cream against human papillomavirus infection in men who have sex with men living with hiv

Durukan, Duygu; Phillips, Tiffany R.; Murray, Gerald L.; Ong, Jason J.; Grulich, Andrew E.; Poynten, I. Mary; Jin, Fengyi; Bradshaw, Catriona S.; Aguirre, Ivette; Silvers, Julie; Kent, Helen; Atchison, Steph; Balgovind, Prisha; Cornall, Alyssa; Chen, Marc

(2021), J CLIN MED, 10(19), 4477

DOI: 10.3390/jcm10194477

Intestinal epithelial tuft cell induction is negated by a murine helminth and its secreted products

Drurey, Claire; Lindholm, Håvard T.; Coakley, Gillian; Poveda, Marta Campillo; Löser, Stephan; Doolan, Rory; Gerbe, François; Jay, Philippe; Harris, Nicola; Oudhoff, Menno J.; Maizels, Rick M.

(2021), J EXP MED, 219(1), e20211140

DOI: 10.1084/jem.20211140

Antagonism of the ATP-gated P2X7 receptor

Drill, Matthew; Jones, Nigel C.; Hunn, Martin; O’Brien, Terence J.; Monif, Mastura

(2021), PURINERG SIGNAL, 17(2), 215-227

DOI: 10.1007/s11302-021-09776-9

Exploring liminality in the co-design of rehabilitation environments

Donetto, Sara; Jones, Fiona; Clarke, David J.; Cloud, Geoffrey C.; Gombert-Waldron, Karolina; Ruth, Harris; Macdonald, Alastair; McKevitt, Christopher; Robert, Glenn

(2021), HEALTH PLACE, 72, 102695

DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2021.102695

Predicting fracture outcomes from clinical registry data using artificial intelligence supplemented models for evidence-informed treatment (PRAISE) study protocol

Dipnall, Joanna F.; Page, Richard; Du, Lan; Costa, Matthew; Lyons, Ronan A.; Cameron, Peter; de Steiger, Richard; Hau, Raphael; Bucknill, Andrew; Oppy, Andrew; Edwards, Elton; Varma, Dinesh; Jung, Myong Chol; Gabbe, Belinda J.

(2021), PLOS ONE, 16(9), e0257361

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257361

The Gut Microbiota and Their Metabolites in Human Arterial Stiffness

Dinakis, Evany; Nakai, Michael; Gill, Paul A.; Yiallourou, Stephanie; Sata, Yusuke; Muir, Jane; Carrington, Melinda; Head, Geoffrey A.; Kaye, David M.; Marques, Francine Z.

(2021), HEART LUNG CIRC, 30(11), 1716-1725

DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2021.07.022

Cognitive profiles in patients with epileptic and nonepileptic seizures evaluated using a brief cognitive assessment tool

Dilcher, Roxane; Malpas, Charles B.; Walterfang, Mark; Kwan, Patrick; O'Brien, Terence J.; Velakoulis, Dennis; Vivash, Lucy

(2021), EPILEPSY BEHAV, 115, 107643

DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107643

Fixel-based Analysis of Diffusion MRI

Dhollander, Thijs; Clemente, Adam; Singh, Mervyn; Boonstra, Frederique; Civier, Oren; Duque, Juan Dominguez; Egorova, Natalia; Enticott, Peter; Fuelscher, Ian; Gajamange, Sanuji; Genc, Sila; Gottlieb, Elie; Hyde, Christian; Imms, Phoebe; Kelly, Claire; Ki

(2021), NEUROIMAGE, 241, 118417

DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118417

HIV is associated with an increased risk of age-related clonal hematopoiesis among older adults

Dharan, Nila J.; Yeh, Paul; Bloch, Mark; Yeung, Miriam M.; Baker, David; Guinto, Jerick; Roth, Norman; Ftouni, Sarah; Ognenovska, Katherine; Smith, Don; Hoy, Jennifer F.; Woolley, Ian; Pell, Catherine; Templeton, David J.; Fraser, Neil; Rose, Nectarios; H

(2021), NAT MED, 27(6), 1006-1011

DOI: 10.1038/s41591-021-01357-y

Costs and cost-effectiveness of cervical cancer screening strategies in women living with HIV in Burkina Faso

Devine, Angela; Vahanian, Alice; Sawadogo, Bernard; Zan, Souleymane; Bocoum, Fadima Yaya; Kelly, Helen; Gilham, Clare; Nagot, Nicolas; Ong, Jason J.; Legood, Rosa; Meda, Nicolas; Miners, Alec; Mayaud, Philippe; ,

(2021), PLOS ONE, 16(3), e0248832

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248832

The metabolic hormone leptin promotes the function of TFH cells and supports vaccine responses

Deng, Jun; Chen, Qian; Chen, Zhian; Liang, Kaili; Gao, Xin; Wang, Xiaohui; Makota, Fadzai V.; Ong, Hong Sheng; Wan, Yanmin; Luo, Kaiming; Gong, Dongcheng; Yu, Xiang; Camuglia, Sarina; Zeng, Qunxiong; Zhou, Tao; Xue, Feng; He, Jing; Wei, Yunbo; Xiao, Fan;

(2021), NAT COMMUN, 12(1), 3073

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23220-x

An ultra-portable, self-contained point-of-care nucleic acid amplification test for diagnosis of active COVID-19 infection

Deng, Hao; Jayawardena, Asanka; Chan, Jianxiong; Tan, Sher Maine; Alan, Tuncay; Kwan, Patrick

(2021), SCI REP-UK, 11(1), 15176

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-94652-0