Research publications
Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals.
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Howard I, Cameron P, Castrén M, Wallis L, Lindström V
(2021), INT J QUAL HEALTH C, 33(1), mzaa171
Jennings N, Lowe G, Tori K
(2021), Aust J Prim Health, 27(1), 1-5
DOI: 10.1071/PY20103
Jones P, Walker K, Bissett I, Gangathimmaiah V, Honan B, Haustead D, Mitchell R, Mountain D
(2021), Emerg Med Australas, 33(4), 767-8
Junckerstorff E, Nolan G
(2021), Emerg Med Australas, 33(4), 737-8
Kempster K, Howell S, Bernard S, Smith K, Cameron P, Finn J, Stub D, Morley P, Bray J
(2021), Resuscitation, 166, 21-30
Knights E, Gorman V, Mitra B, Gray R
(2021), Int Emerg Nurs, 56, 101001
Kozlovski J, Matthews A, Bertenshaw C, Ho JH
(2021), Emerg Med Australas, 33(4), 734-6
Laging BL, Nay R, Bauer M, Laging R, Walker K, Kenny A
(2021), Gerontologist, 61(8), 1307-16
Lecky FE, Otesile O, Marincowitz C, Majdan M, Nieboer D, Lingsma HF, Maegele M, Citerio G, Stocchetti N, Steyerberg EW, Menon DK, Maas AIR; CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators
(2021), PLoS Med, 18(9), e1003761
Lowe G, Tori K, Jennings N, Schiftan D, Driscoll A
(2021), Nurs Open, 8(2), 966-74
DOI: 10.1002/nop2.705
Makovec Knight J, Nguyen JVK, Mitra B, Willmott C
(2021), BMJ Open, 11(6), e044320
McDonald SJ, O'Brien WT, Symons GF, Chen Z, Bain J, Major BP, Costello D, Yamakawa G, Sun M, Brady RD, Mitra B, Mychasiuk R, O'Brien TJ, Shultz SR
(2021), Biomark Res, 9(1), 4
Mitchell R, Bue O, Nou G, Taumomoa J, Vagoli W, Jack S, Banks C, O'Reilly G, Bornstein S, Ham T, Cole T, Reynolds T, Körver S, Cameron P
(2021), Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, 13, 100194
Mitra B, Bernard S, Gantner D, Burns B, Reade MC, Murray L, Trapani T, Pitt V, McArthur C, Forbes A, Maegele M, Gruen RL; PATCH-Trauma study investigators; PATCH-Trauma Study investigators
(2021), BMJ Open, 11(3), e046522
Morris ME, Haines T, Hill AM, Cameron ID, Jones C, Jazayeri D, Mitra B, Kiegaldie D, Shorr RI, McPhail SM
(2021), J Am Geriatr Soc, 69(9), 2598-2604
DOI: 10.1111/jgs.17125
Munasinghe NL, O'Reilly G, Cameron P
(2021), International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 64, 102494
Nevill A, Kuhn L, Thompson J, Morphet J
(2021), Australas Emerg Care, 24(2), 121-6
O'Reilly GM, Fitzgerald MC, Curtis K, Mathew JK
(2021), Injury, 52(10), 2848-54
O'Reilly GM, Mitchell RD, Mitra B, Akhlaghi H, Tran V, Furyk JS, Buntine P, Bannon-Murphy H, Amos T, Udaya Kumar M, Perkins E, Prentice A, Szwarcberg O, Loughman A, Lowry N, Colwell S, Noonan MP, Hiller R, Paton A, Smit V, Cameron PA; COVED Project Team
(2021), Emerg Med Australas, 33(1), 114-24
O'Reilly GM, Mitchell RD, Mitra B, Akhlaghi H, Tran V, Furyk JS, Buntine P, Wong A, Gangathimmaiah V, Knott J, Moore A, Ahn JR, Chan Q, Wang A, Goh H, Loughman A, Lowry N, Hackett L, Sri-Ganeshan M, Chapman N, Raos M, Noonan MP, Smit V, Cameron PA; COVED Project Team
(2021), Emerg Med Australas, 33(5), 911-21