Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Overview of pain management in older adults

Savvas SM, Gibson SJ

(2016), Clin Geriatr Med, 32(4),

A pain in the bud? Implications of cross-modal sensitivity for pain experience

Perkins M, de Bruyne M, Giummarra MJ

(2016), Atten Percept Psychophys, 78(8),

Recommendations for spinal rehabilitation professionals regarding sexual education needs and preferences of people with spinal cord dysfunction: a mixed methods study

New PW, Seddon M, Redpath C, Currie KE, Warren N

(2016), Spinal Cord, 54(12),

International retrospective comparison of inpatient rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord dysfunction: differences according to etiology

New PW, Reeves RK, Smith É, Eriks-Hoogland I, Gupta A, Scivoletto G, Townson A, Maurizio B, Post MW

(2016), Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 97(3),

Development of a comprehensive survey of sexuality issues including a self-report version of the International Spinal Cord Injury sexual function basic data sets

New PW, Currie KE

(2016), Spinal Cord, 54(8),

Time-series analysis of the barriers for admission into a spinal rehabilitation unit

New PW, Akram M

(2016), Spinal Cord, 54(2),

Secondary conditions in a community sample of people with spinal cord damage

New PW

(2016), J Spinal Cord Med, 39(6),

Discharge from the acute hospital: trauma patients’ perceptions of care

Kimmel LA, Holland AE, Hart MJ, Edwards ER, Page RS, Hau R, Bucknill A, Gabbe BJ

(2016), Aust Health Rev, 40,

Compensation system experience at 12 months after road or workplace injury in Victoria, Australia

Ioannou L, Braaf S, Cameron P, Gibson SJ, Ponsford J, Jennings PA, Arnold CA, Georgiou-Karistianis N, Giummarra MJ

(2016), Psychol Inj Law, 9(4),

Is low-dose amitriptyline effective in the management of chronic low back pain? Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Urquhart DM, Wluka AE, Sim MR, van Tulder M, Forbes A, Gibson SJ, Arnold C, Fong C, Anthony SN, Cicuttini FM

(2016), Trials, 17(1),

Chronic pain following motor vehicle collision: a systematic review of outcomes associated with seeking or receiving compensation

Giummarra MJ, Ioannou L, Ponsford J, Cameron PA, Jennings PA, Gibson SJ, Georgiou-Karistianis N

(2016), Clin J Pain, 32(9),

Feasibility of a home-based program to improve handwriting after stroke: a pilot study

Simpson B, McCluskey A, Lannin N, Cordier R

(2016), Disabil Rehabil, 38(7),

Functional assessments used by occupational therapists with older ddults at risk of activity and participation limitations: a systematic review

Wales K, Clemson L, Lannin N, Cameron I

(2016), PLoS One, 11(2),

National stroke registries for monitoring and improving the quality of hospital care: A systematic review

Cadilhac DA, Kim J, Lannin NA, Kapral MK, Schwamm LH, Dennis MS, Norrving B, Meretoja A

(2016), Int J Stroke, 11(1),

Strategies for increasing the intensity of upper limb task-specific practice after acquired brain impairment: A secondary analysis from a randomised controlled trial

Ross LF, Harvey LA, Lannin NA

(2016), Br J Occup Ther, 79(6),

Discharge planning from hospital

Gonçalves-Bradley DC, Lannin NA, Clemson LM, Cameron ID, Shepperd S

(2016), Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (1),

Is health-related quality of life between 90 and 180 days following stroke associated with long-term unmet needs?

Andrew NE, Kilkenny MF, Lannin NA, Cadilhac DA

(2016), Qual Life Res, 25(8),

The experience of discharge for patients with an acquired brain injury from the inpatient to the community setting: A qualitative review

Piccenna L, Lannin NA, Gruen R, Pattuwage L, Bragge P

(2016), Brain Inj, 30(3),

Better outcomes for hospitalized patients with TIA when in stroke units: An observational study

Cadilhac DA, Kim J, Lannin NA, Levi CR, Dewey HM, Hill K, Faux S, Andrew NE, Kilkenny MF, Grimley R, Thrift AG, Grabsch B, Middleton S, Anderson CS, Donnan GA; Australian Stroke Clinical Registry Consortium

(2016), Neurology, 86(22),

Addressing the challenges of cross-jurisdictional data linkage between a national clinical quality registry and government-held health data

Andrew NE, Sundararajan V, Thrift AG, Kilkenny MF, Katzenellenbogen J, Flack F, Gattellari M, Boyd JH, Anderson P, Grabsch B, Lannin NA, Johnston T, Chen Y, Cadilhac DA

(2016), Aust N Z J Public Health, 40(5),