Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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The impact of disruptions due to COVID-19 on HIV transmission and control among men who have sex with men in China

Booton, Ross D.; Fu, Gengfeng; MacGregor, Louis; Li, Jianjun; Ong, Jason J.; Tucker, Joseph D.; Turner, Katherine Me; Tang, Weiming; Vickerman, Peter; Mitchell, Kate M.

(2021), J INT AIDS SOC, 24(4), e25697

DOI: 10.1002/jia2.25697

Detection of parC gene mutations associated with quinolone resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium

Bodiyabadu, Kaveesha; Danielewski, Jennifer; Garland, Suzanne M.; Machalek, Dorothy A.; Bradshaw, Catriona S.; Birnie, Joshua; Ebeyan, Samantha; Lundgren, Marie; Murray, Gerald

(2021), J MED MICROBIOL, 70(3), 1257

DOI: 10.1099/jmm.0.001257

Approaches for the inhibition and elimination of microbial biofilms using macromolecular agents

Blackman, Lewis D.; Qu, Yue; Cass, Peter; Locock, Katherine E.S.

(2021), CHEM SOC REV, 50(3), 1587-1616

DOI: 10.1039/d0cs00986e

Serine Biosynthesis Is a Metabolic Vulnerability in FLT3-ITD-Driven Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Bjelosevic, Stefan; Gruber, Emily; Newbold, Andrea; Shembrey, Carolyn; Devlin, Jennifer R.; Hogg, Simon J.; Kats, Lev; Todorovski, Izabela; Fan, Zheng; Abrehart, Thomas C.; Pomilio, Giovanna; Wei, Andrew; Gregory, Gareth P.; Vervoort, Stephin J.; Brown, K

(2021), CANCER DISCOV, 11(6), 1582-1599

DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-20-0738

The need for improved emotional support

Bilardi, Jade E.; Sharp, Gemma; Payne, Samantha; Temple-Smith, Meredith J.

(2021), WOMEN BIRTH, 34(4), 362-369

DOI: 10.1016/j.wombi.2020.06.011

The resistance to host antimicrobial peptides in infections caused by daptomycin-resistant staphylococcus aureus

Bhuiyan, Md Saruar; Jiang, Jhih-Hang; Kostoulias, Xenia; Theegala, Ravali; Lieschke, Graham J.; Peleg, Anton Y.

(2021), ANTIBIOTICS-BASEL, 10(2), 96

DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics10020096

The effects of increasing fruit and vegetable intake in children with asthma

Berthon, Bronwyn S.; McLoughlin, Rebecca F.; Jensen, Megan E.; Hosseini, Banafshe; Williams, Evan J.; Baines, Katherine J.; Taylor, Steven L.; Rogers, Geraint B.; Ivey, Kerry L.; Morten, Matthew; Da Silva Sena, Carla R.; Collison, Adam M.; Starkey, Malcol

(2021), CLIN EXP ALLERGY, 51(9), 1144-1156

DOI: 10.1111/cea.13979

Effects of aspirin on the long-term management of depression in older people

Berk, Michael; Agustini, Bruno; Woods, Robyn L.; Nelson, Mark R.; Shah, Raj C.; Reid, Christopher M.; Storey, Elsdon; Fitzgerald, Sharyn M.; Lockery, Jessica E.; Wolfe, Rory; Mohebbi, Mohammadreza; Dodd, Seetal; Murray, Anne M.; Stocks, Nigel; Fitzgerald,

(2021), MOL PSYCHIATR, 26(9), 5161–5170

DOI: 10.1038/s41380-021-01020-5

Development of a positive body image chatbot (KIT) with young people and parents/carers

Beilharz, Francesca; Sukunesan, Suku; Rossell, Susan L.; Kulkarni, Jayashri; Sharp, Gemma

(2021), J MED INTERNET RES, 23(6), e27807

DOI: 10.2196/27807

Systematic review and consensus definitions for the Standardized Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine (StEP) initiative

Beattie, W. Scott; Lalu, Manoj; Bocock, Matthew; Feng, Simon; Wijeysundera, Duminda N.; Nagele, Peter; Fleisher, Lee A.; Kurz, Andrea; Biccard, Bruce; Leslie, Kate; Howell, Simon; Landoni, Giovani; Grocott, Hilary; Lamy, Andre; Richards, Toby; Myles, Paul

(2021), BRIT J ANAESTH, 126(1), 56-66

DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2020.09.023

The gut microbiome of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Beale, Anna L.; O’Donnell, Joanne A.; Nakai, Michael E.; Nanayakkara, Shane; Vizi, Donna; Carter, Kaye; Dean, Eliza; Ribeiro, Rosilene V.; Yiallourou, Stephanie; Carrington, Melinda J.; Marques, Francine Z.; Kaye, David M.

(2021), J AM HEART ASSOC, 10(13), e020654

DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.120.020654

Program evaluation of GLA:D® Australia

Barton, Christian; Kemp, Joanne L.; Roos, Ewa M; Skou, Søren T.; Dundules, Karen L.; Pazzinatto, Marcella; Francis, Matthew; Lannin, Natasha A; Wallis, Jason; Crossley, Kay M.

(2021), Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open, 3(3), 100175

DOI: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2021.100175

Tracing the affordances of long-acting injectable depot buprenorphine

Barnett, Anthony I.; Savic, Michael; Lintzeris, Nicholas; Bathish, Ramez; Arunogiri, Shalini; Dunlop, Adrian J.; Haber, Paul SW; Graham, Robert; Hayes, Vicky; Lubman, Dan Ian

(2021), DRUG ALCOHOL DEPEN, 227, 108959

DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108959

Coformulation with tattoo ink for immunological assessment of vaccine immunogenicity in the draining lymph node

Barber-Axthelm, Isaac M.; Kelly, Hannah G.; Esterbauer, Robyn; Wragg, Kathleen M.; Gibbon, Anne M.; Lee, Wen Shi; Wheatley, Adam K.; Kent, Stephen J.; Tan, Hyon Xhi; Juno, Jennifer A.

(2021), J IMMUNOL, 207(2), 735-744

DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.2001299

Predicting the diagnosis of HIV and sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men using machine learning approaches

Bao, Yining; Medland, Nicholas A.; Fairley, Christopher K.; Wu, Jinrong; Shang, Xianwen; Chow, Eric P.F.; Xu, Xianglong; Ge, Zongyuan; Zhuang, Xun; Zhang, Lei

(2021), J INFECTION, 82(1), 48-59

DOI: 10.1016/j.jinf.2020.11.007

Contemporary antiretrovirals and body-mass index

Bansi-Matharu, Loveleen; Phillips, Andrew; Oprea, Cristiana; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, Katharina; Günthard, Huldrych F.; De Wit, Stephane; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Vehreschild, Jorg J.; Wit, Ferdinand; Law, Matthew; Wasmuth, Jan Christian; Chkhartishvili, Niko

(2021), LANCET HIV, 8(11), e711-e722

DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3018(21)00163-6

Cell-density independent increased lymphocyte production and loss rates post-autologous hsct

Baliu-Piqué, Mariona; van Hoeven, Vera; Drylewicz, Julia; van der Wagen, Lotte E.; Janssen, Anke; Otto, Sigrid A.; van Zelm, Menno C.; de Boer, Rob J.; Kuball, Jürgen; Borghans, Jose A.M.; Tesselaar, Kiki

(2021), ELIFE, 10, e59775

DOI: 10.7554/eLife.59775

B-cells expressing NgR1 and NgR3 are localized to EAE-induced inflammatory infiltrates and are stimulated by BAFF

Bakhuraysah, Maha M.; Theotokis, Paschalis; Lee, Jae Young; Alrehaili, Amani A.; Aui, Pei-Mun; Figgett, William A.; Azari, Michael F.; Abou-Afech, John Paul; Mackay, Fabienne; Siatskas, Christopher; Alderuccio, Frank; Strittmatter, Stephen M.; Grigoriadis

(2021), SCI REP-UK, 11(1), 2890

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82346-6

Resting EEG theta connectivity and alpha power to predict repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation response in depression

Bailey, Neil W.; Krepel, Noralie; van Dijk, Hanneke; Leuchter, Andrew F.; Vila-Rodriguez, Fidel; Blumberger, Daniel M.; Downar, Jonathan; Wilson, Andrew; Daskalakis, Zafiris J.; Carpenter, Linda L.; Corlier, Juliana; Arns, Martijn; Fitzgerald, Paul B.

(2021), CLIN NEUROPHYSIOL, 132(2), 650-659

DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2020.10.018

The promise of artificial neural networks, EEG, and MRI for Alzheimer's disease

Bailey, Neil W.; Hoy, Kate E.

(2021), CLIN NEUROPHYSIOL, 132(1), 207-209

DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2020.10.009