Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Single-unit analysis of sympathetic nervous discharges in patients with panic disorder

Lambert E, Hotchkin E, Alvarenga M, Pier C, Richards J, Barton D, Dawood T, Esler M, Lambert G

(2006), J Physiol, 570(Pt 3), 637-43

Road testing the newer antipsychotic agents

Kulkarni J, Inglis RJ

(2006), Aust Fam Physician, 35(3), 96-9

A pilot study of hormone modulation as a new treatment for mania in women with bipolar affective disorder

Kulkarni J, Garland KA, Scaffidi A, Headey B, Anderson R, de Castella A, Fitzgerald P, Davis SR

(2006), Psychoneuroendocrinology, 31(4), 543-7

An analysis of functional neuroimaging studies of dorsolateral prefrontal cortical activity in depression

Fitzgerald PB, Oxley TJ, Laird AR, Kulkarni J, Egan GF, Daskalakis ZJ

(2006), Psychiatry Res, 148(1), 33-45

A randomized trial of low-frequency right-prefrontal-cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation as augmentation in treatment-resistant major depression

Fitzgerald PB, Huntsman S, Gunewardene R, Kulkarni J, Daskalakis ZJ

(2006), Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 9(6), 655-66

Naturalistic study of the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depressive relapse

Fitzgerald PB, Benitez J, de Castella AR, Brown TL, Daskalakis ZJ, Kulkarni J

(2006), Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 40(9), 764-8

A randomized, controlled trial of sequential bilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression

Fitzgerald PB, Benitez J, de Castella A, Daskalakis ZJ, Brown TL, Kulkarni J

(2006), Am J Psychiatry, 163(1), 88-94

The treatment of recurring auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia with rTMS

Fitzgerald PB, Benitez J, Daskalakis JZ, De Castella A, Kulkarni J

(2006), World J Biol Psychiatry, 7(2), 119-22

The neuronal noradrenaline transporter, anxiety and cardiovascular disease

Esler M, Alvarenga M, Pier C, Richards J, El-Osta A, Barton D, Haikerwal D, Kaye D, Schlaich M, Guo L, Jennings G, Socratous F, Lambert G

(2006), J Psychopharmacol, 20(4 Suppl), 60-6

Elucidation of impulsivity

Enticott PG, Ogloff JR

(2006), Aust Psychol, 41(1), 3-14

Associations between laboratory measures of executive inhibitory control and self-reported impulsivity

Enticott PG, Ogloff JR, Bradshaw JL

(2006), Personality and Individual Differences, 41(2), 285-94

Effects of aromatase inhibition on sexual function and well-being in postmenopausal women treated with testosterone: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Davis SR, Goldstat R, Papalia MA, Shah S, Kulkarni J, Donath S, Bell RJ

(2006), Menopause, 13(1), 37-45