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Breast Cancer
Brian looks back on an open life
Brian Wharton did not give a second thought to his pending operation when he was aged 14. He didn’t know that he would be the fifth person in Australia to have open-heart surgery. He didn’t know that only two of the previous four people had survived after the operation.
Remembrance Day 2021
Alfred Health will join other Australians in marking Remembrance Day on November 11. As The Alfred marks its 150th anniversary, archivist Peter Frawley reflected on the long and respected history support provided by staff during times of conflict.
Ms Kriss Will
Kriss’ professional background was as a self-employed management consultant, where she worked for over 20 years to provide management advice and training workshops for the legal sector, other professional service firms and not-for-profits. Kriss has an Arts degree, (honours Psychology), and an MBA (focussed on HR and IT). She assisted…
Ms Amtur Rafiq
Amtur is a Muslim and from a refugee background. She has a strong interest in communication and supporting those where English is not their first language. She worked as a support volunteer at the Southern Migrant Refugee Centre Dandenong from 2018 to 2020 and is currently studying a Diploma in…