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Genevieve’s remarkable journey
To this day, Genevieve Gardner can’t believe the fortune which befell her upon suffering a ruptured aneurysm. From surviving a sensation that felt like two cars backing into her head simultaneously followed by weeks in The Alfred ICU, she emerged almost unscathed.
‘Without The Alfred I would not be alive today’
Sue Newell leapt at the chance to reunite with her care team at The Alfred. A double-lung transplant recipient, Sue recently achieved a significant milestone and was thrilled to have the chance to catch up with some of the key staff who helped save her life at The Alfred.
‘The iron horse’: how The Alfred saved Robert Trickey’s life
It reads like fiction, but incredibly is true. Robert Trickey‘s journey through The Alfred’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is one that very few patients experience, ultimately leading to an emotional finale for Robert, his family and all the staff involved.
Pioneering nature of The Alfred lives on
The Alfred has sought to develop throughout its 150-year history. This continues today with the help of partnerships, such as with the Gandel Foundation.