How we can support you
Support Services for Families and Carers
Working with families, nominated persons and carers is integral to the provision of high-quality specialist mental health care. Alfred Mental and Addiction Health is committed to working collaboratively with family members, supporters, nominated persons and carers in meaningful ways. We recognise the pivotal role family and friendship networks play in addressing the health needs, wellbeing and recovery of our clients.
Flexible family support and interventions are offered across all parts of our service. Some of the supports offered include:
Carer peer workers
Carer peer workers have experience with a family member or friend going through a mental illness. They provide an opportunity to share stories with someone who has experienced similar challenges. Peer support workers focus on building connection, providing empathy, support and moving forwards. There are carer peer workers available across all parts of our service.

Get involved
We work within a co-design framework that includes the voices of consumers, carers, families and clinicians working collaboratively to provide the best possible care.
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Your Rights
It is important that all people receiving care from our services are aware of their rights when accessing healthcare and feel supported to exercise these.
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Translation Services
We are a culturally responsive health service committed to responding to the needs of patients from a culturally and linguistically diverse background (CALD)
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