Cardiac Amyloidosis Clinic

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The Cardiac Amyloidosis Clinic at The Alfred is an experienced multidisciplinary group of cardiac amyloidosis specialists. Our mission is to make a positive impact and provide people with cardiac amyloidosis with the best possible heart health. Our clinicians are active in amyloid research and have access to the latest trials and therapies.

What we do

The Cardiac Amyloidosis Clinic provides cutting-edge treatment for people with suspected or confirmed cardiac amyloidosis. Our pioneering, highly skilled clinical team provide a complete service including access to diagnostic testing, cardiac biopsy, genetic screening and prescription treatments as well as clinical trial research, education and support.

What is cardiac amyloidosis?

Cardiac amyloidosis is a condition where abnormal proteins called amyloid build up in your heart muscle and other organs. These proteins can replace normal heart tissue, leading to thickening of the heart muscle so it becomes stiff and unable to pump blood which can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, ankle swelling, chest pain, palpitations or dizziness. Some types of amyloid proteins can build up in other areas of the body such as the kidneys, nerves and gut.

Who we care for

Diagnosis of amyloidosis can be challenging, and the Cardiac Amyloid Clinic offers a comprehensive investigation and management service for people who have, or are suspected of having, cardiac amyloidosis. All diagnostic tests and procedures are performed in-house by our specialised team.

What to expect

At your first appointment you will meet with one of our specialist cardiologists who will speak with you about your symptoms and medical history.

Our goal is to optimally manage and treat your symptoms. The clinic offers a complete range of cutting-edge treatments as well as access to clinical trial therapies. We aim to collaborate with your referring physicians and in many cases once a comprehensive assessment and management plan has been implemented you will be able to continue your ongoing care with your regular doctor.

Our team

The Cardiac Amyloidosis Clinic is led by expert cardiologists who work in close collaboration with medical specialists from haematology, nephrology (kidneys) and neurology. Alongside our medical specialists, our team includes experienced cardiac nurses, genetic counsellors, pharmacists and cardiac technologists. The Alfred Cardiac Amyloidosis service is a leading cardiac research centre and we work in close collaboration with the Australian Amyloidosis Network, Monash University and the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute and the to provide our patients with cutting-edge treatments and clinical trial opportunities.

How to access this clinic

Referral from your GP or specialist

We accept referrals from GPs and other cardiology services or cardiologists (public or private).

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Wednesday The Alfred Morning

Clinic consultants

  • A/Prof James Hare: Cardiology
  • Dr Sarah Gutman: Cardiology
  • Dr Yusuke Sata: Cardiology
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