Home Care Packages

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Alfred Health is a not-for-profit home care package provider. A Home Care Package provides coordinated care and services that help older Australians to live safely and independently in their own home for as long as it is safe and appropriate to do so.

What we do

Our goals are to support our clients:

  • To optimise their health and well-being in accordance with their needs, goals and preferences
  • To live safely and independently at home
  • To keep them connected to their community

In partnership with our clients and families, we assess their care needs, develop a care plan, and deliver a coordinated package of care and services to meet their individual needs.

Our case managers are allied health professionals or registered nurses with significant expertise and experience in working with older people.

As part of Alfred Health, the Home care packages team works closely with other Alfred Health services. This benefits our clients and families by improving communication and coordination of their health care needs.

Who we care for

We care for clients living within a 15 km radius of Alfred Health, including local government areas of Port Phillip, City of Melbourne, Glen Eira, Stonnington, Bayside & Kingston Councils.

What to expect

Each package is tailored to meet your individual needs, and is delivered using a consumer directed care focus. Having a consumer focus means that you have choice and flexibility in the support you need and access. Your home care package has a case manager who can assist you in co-ordinating and managing your care needs at home.

We respect your right to be treated with dignity, respect, maintain your identity, to be informed about your care and services and live the life you choose.

We have a wellness approach, which involves assessing, planning and delivering all care and services in a way that builds on your strengths and goals. This means we will actively encourage you to optimise your independence in your everyday activities as well as reducing any risks to living safely at home.

If you have short-term goals related to a loss of confidence or independence, we will support you to participate in reablement interventions to help you to return to your needed activities. This could involve learning a new skill, or re-learning a lost skill, minor modifications to your home or having access to equipment or assistive technology.

Depending on your needs, home care packages may include support with:

  • Personal care, Domestic activities, shopping or gardening assistance
  • Transport to appointments, needed shopping or to attend social activities
  • Social support
  • Respite care, either in-home or day program
  • Nursing for medication assistance or wound care
  • Allied health, therapy services and exercise classes
  • Minor home maintenance, reasonably required for safety & minor home modifications
  • Prescribed equipment and assistive technology

Commonly asked questions

Why choose Alfred Health?
What can my case manager help me with?
How can I work best with my home care package team?
What can I expect initially and ongoing?
Who is involved in my Home care package?
Who provides the direct care?
What qualifications do the direct care workers have? How do you monitor the quality of their work?
What is the hourly rate for the services you provide under a home care package?
If I need to cancel a shift, how much notice do I need to give?
What is my home care package budget?
What fees will I have to pay?

How to access this service

How to access - Home Care Packages - Patients

To access a Home care Package, you will need an assessment by the Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS) to assess, approve and assign you a Home Care Package for your needs.

Please call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit the My Aged Care website.

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