Aged Care Assessment (ACA)

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Alfred Health Aged Care Assessment (ACA) is part of the new Commonwealth Single Assessment System (SAS) which has been introduced to improve access to aged care services for older people.

Clinical service overview

We are a multidisciplinary team who conduct independent assessments to aged persons and some younger persons with a disability, and determine the eligibility for a range of Australian Government subsidised services.

We are a free service conducting both:

  • Comprehensive assessments (previously delivered by ACAS) and Home Support assessments (previously delivered by RAS) for people who need to access community or residential aged care services.

The assessment takes place in the person’s home setting or in the hospital and includes:

  • Assessing eligibility to access Commonwealth funded services including:
    • Residential aged care
    • Residential respite care
    • Transition care program (TCP)
    • Short-term restorative care (STRC)
    • Home care packages (HCPs)
    • Commonwealth Home Support Services (CHSP)
  • Involving clients, their carers and service providers in the assessment and care planning process
  • Arranging Interpreters to assist in the assessment process if required
  • Providing information, referrals and liaising with other aged care services

Exclusion criteria

People under 65 years of age; unless deemed homeless or at high risk of homelessness, contact My Aged Care Contact Centre to discuss referral. 
MAC Contact Centre - 1800 200 422.

Refer your patient

How to refer for an aged care assessment in the community

Referrals can be made by clients, family, carers, case managers and General Practitioners (GPs).

Referrals are made directly to My Aged Care (MAC):

Referral phone: 1800 200 422
Referral webform: Apply for assessment online

How to refer for an aged care assessment in a local hospital setting covered by Alfred Health ACA

If you are a hospital social worker and referring for an inpatient assessment for permanent residential care, residential respite care and/or a TCP program, please refer via the Single Assessment System MAC Hospital Referral Form and include the signed Application for Care (MAC) form.

Completed forms to be emailed to or fax: (03) 9076 6428.

For any hospital referral queries, please call our hospital triage mobile: 0458 327 454.

Assessment eligibility criteria

  • People aged 65 and over or 50 years and over for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people
  • People aged under 65 are required to contact My Aged Care who will direct the client to either the National Disability Insurance Scheme: NDIS (if current participant) or to Ability First Australia Systems Coordinator Program
  • Clients must consent to an aged care assessment
  • Clients must be medically stable

Exclusion criteria

People under 65 years of age; unless deemed homeless or at high risk of homelessness, contact My Aged Care Contact Centre to discuss referral. 
MAC Contact Centre - 1800 200 422.

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