Alfred HOPE – Suicide prevention
Health professional information
We provide three months of hybrid clinical and psychosocial support to individuals aged 26 years and over who have recently made a suicide attempt or are struggling with suicidal thinking. We are part of the Alfred Mental and Addiction Health service.
Clinical service overview
The Alfred HOPE team is a part of the Alfred Mental & Addiction Health Service, based at Alfred Hospital. Alfred HOPE is available from 8am - 4pm, 7 days a week to provide outreach clinical, therapeutic, lived experience and practical support to individuals and their families and carers living in the inner south area of Melbourne.
Our services include:
- Weekly outreach appointments for assessment and treatment
- Phone support outside of appointments
- Suicide prevention and safety planning
- Up to three brief therapeutic intervention sessions
- Practical psychosocial interventions to assist individuals in developing meaningful activities and connections to overcome challenges and recover a life worth living
- Lived experience support from someone who has recovered from suicidal experiences
- Support for family/carers offered by someone with experience of caring for someone in mental health crisis
- Single session family consultations
We are a multi-disciplinary team made up of:
- Social Workers
- Psychiatric Nurses
- Psychosocial Support Workers
- Lived Experience Workers
- Consultant Psychiatrist
- Psychiatrist registrar
- Family Therapist
- Brief Intervention Therapists
Alfred HOPE welcomes referrals from staff based at The Alfred and within the Alfred Mental and Addiction Health service in addition to consumers, family/carers, GPs, Psychologists and other primary health agencies (e.g. family violence teams).
To refer, phone Alfred Psychiatric Triage on 1300 363 746
In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000