Gambling Minds service

Health professional information

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We are a multidisciplinary team supporting individuals of all ages adversely affected by gambling. We offer this service to anyone living in Victoria. We are part of the Alfred Mental and Addiction Health service.

Clinical service overview

We are a statewide service specialising in assessment and treatment planning for people with mental health issues and gambling harms. This may include gamblers or affected others.

Gambling minds works with referrers to provide:

  • Comprehensive assessments
  • Treatment recommendations
  • Support with linkages to other services
  • Family therapy consultations and sensory profiling

This service is available to area mental health services, general practitioners and private practitioners and Gambler’s Help counsellors. Our service is also able to provide

  • One to one supervision or group supervision
  • Education and training tailored to your service and client group
  • Secondary consultation

All of or services can be delivered face to face or remotely.

For more information, please visit our website at

Refer your patient

Email referral to us

We accept GP and specialist referrals to our service. A referral form available to be downloaded here (fillable pdf) can be sent to

Fax referral to us

We also accept referrals via fax that can be sent to 03 9076 9855

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