Laboratory Haematology
Health professional information
Clinical service overview
The tests we undertake include:
- general haematology, including blood film morphology
- coagulation
- providing test results for clotting problems as well as bleeding disorders such as haemophilia and von Willebrand disease
- flow cytometry for diagnosis
- minimal residual disease testing for haematological malignancies
A laboratory haematologist is available 24 hours to consult on issues such as test interpretation, new haematological diagnoses and transfusion support, particularly in the acutely bleeding patient.
Our laboratory also has close ties with local academic and research departments, including the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, the National Trauma Research Institute and the Transfusion Outcomes Research Collaborative (based at the Monash University Department of Epidemiology).
Warfarin dosing
Patients receiving anticoagulant therapy may be managed through the Haematology Laboratory unit by the haematology registrars.
Warfarin dosing for patients is done on a daily basis Monday to Friday during normal business hours (8.30am to 5.30pm).
Testing is performed within the Haematology Laboratory unit and based on the result the dose of warfarin will be determined for each patient.
Notification of patient dosing may be communicated directly to the patient or their physician by phone or fax.
Bone marrow biopsies
Our laboratory haematology registrars perform bone marrow biopsies for the diagnosis of haematological malignancies on Monday – Thursday mornings in the Haematology Oncology Clinic, South Block Level 1.
Bookings for a biopsy can be made by calling (03) 9076 3075. A patient information sheet is provided to patients. Ensure that a signed request slip is must be provided and that the patient is must be fasted for the procedure.
Blood Bank
The Blood Bank at The Alfred provides support for a wide range of trauma, transplant and surgical procedures in close liaison with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.
Transfusion Medicine
The Transfusion Medicine team, comprising a specialist transfusion medicine haematologist, two transfusion nurses and a transfusion scientist, follows up transfusion reactions, ensures quality hospital wide transfusion practice and has an extensive educational role for nurses and medical staff.
The Immunology Laboratory conducts a large range of assays for autoimmune and allergic disorders.
The Molecular Biology Laboratory
The Molecular Biology Laboratory, based at the Burnet Institute, provides state-of-the art molecular testing for acute leukaemias. We support the Clinical Haematology Unit, particularly the extensive haematology clinical trials unit and the bone marrow transplant program.
Key contacts
Blood Bank - (03) 9076 3100
After-hours laboratory haematologist - (03) 9076 2000
Haematology laboratory registrars - (03) 9076 3075
Head of unit - (03) 9076 3693
Principle scientist - (03) 9076 3266
Refer your patient
Pathology request form
We accept requests from GPs and specialists. A completed Alfred Pathology Request form needs to be completed and faxed or given to the patient to bring into the service on the day of procedure
(03) 9076 3116
(03) 9076 3075
(03) 9076 3075