Speech Pathology

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Speech pathologists are experts in the assessment, diagnosis and management of problems relating to communication, swallowing and voice.

Clinical service overview

We care for:

We have staff at all three hospital sites and provide a service to all units within the hospital. Each of our departments offers a variety of specialised services which can respond to your specific needs.

Inpatients and outpatients with a range of problems including disorders of swallowing, communication and voice may be referred. These problems can arise from:

  • Brain injuries including stroke and brain tumours
  • Progressive neurological conditions such as Motor Neurone Disease or Parkinson's Disease
  • Cancer affecting the head and neck structures
  • Burns affecting the head and neck region
  • Respiratory / breathing difficulties including tracheostomy tubes

Our service includes:

  • Speech and language assessments
  • Assessment and management of swallowing disorders including videofluoroscopy procedures (x-ray of swallowing) and FEES (fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallow) assessments
  • Cognitive assessment and therapy
  • Individualised therapy programs to remediate communication disorders
  • Group therapy programs, including memory, and communication groups
  • Return to Work/Study Program
  • Provision of alternative communication devices and strategies
  • Education and counselling to family and carers
  • Referral to other external agencies as appropriate

The Sandringham Speech Pathology Department also provides an outpatient videofluoroscopy service to patients from Bentleigh Bayside Community Health (referral required).

Refer your patient

Internal referrals only

We accept referrals for inpatients and patients who have been referred internally from Alfred Health services.

For community accessible outpatient clinics, refer to Caulfield Community Health Service (CCHS) or Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) via the Caulfield Access Unit.

Referral enquiries (Access Unit)

(03) 9076 6776

Referral fax (Access Unit)

(03) 9076 6773

Enquiries email (Access Unit)


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