New Spine Clinic
Patient information
What we do
Our clinic is co-located with neurosurgeons and run by Advanced Practice Physiotherapists liaising closely with the neurosurgery unit.
We provide the initial New Spine assessment and management advice for patients of any age with non-traumatic low back and associated leg symptoms (sciatica) or neck and associated arm symptoms. There is liaison with the medical team to facilitate surgical opinion.
How to access this clinic
Referral from your GP
This clinic is part of the neurosurgery outpatient service. You will need a referral letter from your GP or medical practitioner to the Neurosurgery clinic to access this service.
Your doctor will need to fax your referral letter to us.
Once you have been triaged to the New Spine Clinic you will receive a Spine Health Questionnaire. You must complete this and return to us before an appointment is made.
Return to:
- Email:
- Post:
The Alfred New Spine Clinic (Neurosurgery)
P.O. BOX 315
Prahran, VIC 3181
After we receive this form, we will allocate you an appointment time (waiting times may apply).
It will also be helpful if you can complete a Body Diagram and bring along to the appointment with you.
What to bring
Every time you come
- Medicare card
- Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
- Private health insurance card (if applicable/if you want to use it)
- Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
- Previous X-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
- Medicines you need to take while you are here
- Medications list (or the boxes), including over-the-counter supplements (e.g. herbal supplements, vitamins)
- Glasses, hearing aids, or mobility aids, as needed
For a clinic appointment
- Your appointment letter
- Any special items listed on your letter
- TAC or WorkCover claim number (if relevant)
Clinic times
Day | Campus | Time |
Monday | The Alfred | Afternoon |
Wednesday | The Alfred | Afternoon |