Post COVID Service
Patient information
What we do
We are a multidisciplinary team for the assessment and management of Long COVID symptoms. Our team includes a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, neuropsychologist, and General Medicine doctor. We may also refer you to other clinicians and community services.
We are a short-term service that provides comprehensive assessment, goal-directed rehabilitation, and skills training to self-manage symptoms.
We work closely with your GP who will remain the key person in your Long COVID recovery.
Who we care for
Adults experiencing new and ongoing symptoms that have occurred for more than 3 months after a COVID-19 infection. Common symptoms include fatigue, problems with memory and concentration or “brain fog” and breathlessness. These symptoms may impact daily activities, work, study, leisure or caregiving roles.
What to expect
Once your referral has been accepted you can expect the following:
- Initial Questionnaires: A series of questionnaires will be sent to you via email which need to be completed before an appointment can be made. This is an essential part of the assessment process and is used to understand your unique experience and guide assessment and management. If unable to complete via email, alternative arrangements can be made.
- Telephone Consultation: A telephone consultation to gain more understanding about your specific symptoms and introduce relevant symptom management techniques. We will discuss what the service can offer and arrange onward referrals to the appropriate members of the Post-COVID multidisciplinary team.
- Individual or group appointments with the relevant medical and allied health clinicians to address your specific needs and goals. This may be within Alfred Health or a community service that is closer to your home.
- Referral back to your GP. Due to the high demand for the service, we do not offer a long-term service. Involvement in the service generally lasts up to 3-6 months.
How to access this clinic
Referral from your GP
You need a referral letter from your GP or medical practitioner to access this service.
Your doctor will need to fax your referral letter to us. We will be in contact with you in clinically recommended times, depending on waiting list length. If there is no waiting list, you will receive an appointment booking letter or we will contact you to arrange a suitable time.
What to bring
For a clinic appointment
- Previous X-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
- List of medicines you are currently taking, including medicines you have bought without a prescription, such as herbal supplements and vitamins
- Glasses, hearing aid(s) and/or walking frame if needed
- Any special items listed on your letter
Clinic times
Day | Campus | Time |
Monday | Caulfield Hospital | 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Please note that some appointments may occur outside of the above clinic time. Telehealth appointments may be offered. |
Clinic consultants
- Dr Gary Girao: General Medicine
- Dr Simon Olenski: General medicine