Special Care Nursery
Patient information
What we do
We also care for unwell babies who can be treated and stabilised, or if required transferred to a level 3 nursery (Tertiary Nursery) for further intensive management.
We have specially trained nurses and midwives, a paediatric registrar and a consultant paediatrician as part of our team.
Other services include:
- social work and other allied health services
- established links to community care services
- breastfeeding support
The babies may also be referred to our paediatric outpatient clinic for ongoing care and supervision if required.
Alfred Health's Special Care Nursery is run in partnership with Monash Health, find out more about the Monash Women’s.
Who we care for
The Special Care Nursery takes babies from 32 weeks gestation and caters for a range of babies needs.
Babies are admitted either via the Emergency Department or directly from a clinic or community service after discussion with our on-call paediatrician.
What to bring
Every time you come
- Medicare card
- Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
- Private health insurance card (if applicable/if you want to use it)
- Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
- Previous X-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
- Medicines you need to take while you are here
- Medications list (or the boxes), including over-the-counter supplements (e.g. herbal supplements, vitamins)
- Glasses, hearing aids, or mobility aids, as needed
For an overnight (or longer) stay
- Dressing gown and slippers, or comfortable day clothes and shoes
- Personal hygiene items, such as shampoo, shaving equipment, toothpaste and deodorant
- Something to do, like a book to read, a magazine or an iPad or tablet with headphones
What not to bring for an overnight (or longer) stay
- Your handbag, wallet, purse or large amounts of cash
- Valuables, such as jewellery or watches