Special Care Nursery

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The Special Care Nursery (SCN) cares for newborns, low risk premature babies and their families in a supportive environment.

Clinical service overview

The unit also cares for unwell babies. Babies are stabilised and treated, or if required, transferred to a level 3 nursery (Tertiary Nursery) for further intensive management.

The SCN is staffed by specially trained nurses and midwives, a paediatric registrar and has consultant paediatric support by a 24 hour on-call service. The babies may also be referred to our paediatric outpatient clinic for ongoing care and supervision if required.

Other services include:

  • Social work and other allied health services
  • Established links to community care services
  • Breastfeeding support

The SCN takes babies from 32 weeks gestation and caters for a range of babies needs.

Alfred Health's Special Care Nursery is run in partnership with the Women's at Sandringham. Further information can be found here

Refer your patient

On-call Paediatric Consultant

(03) 9076 1000

Special referral instructions

Patients are admitted via the Emergency Department or directly admitted from a clinic or community service after discussion with and acceptance from the on-call paediatrician.


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