Registrars, Advanced Trainees & Fellows
Find out more information and apply for our Registrar, Advanced Trainee and Fellow positions
In this section
Advanced Surgical training positions
Geriatric Medicine Registrar
Allergy & Clinical Immunology Registrar
Anaesthesia Cardiothoracic Fellow
Anaesthesia General Fellow
Anaesthesia Perioperative Fellow
Anaesthetics Registrar
Anaesthesia Trauma Fellow
Anatomical Pathology Registrar
Biochemistry/Chemical Pathology Registrar
Burns Fellow
Cardiology APT
Cardiology Non-Invasive Imaging Fellow
Cardiothoracics Registrar
Dermatology Registrar
Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine Registrar
Emergency Registrar
Endocrinology Registrar
ENT Registrar
Gastroenterology Registrar APT
Gastroenterology Non Core Endoscopy Fellow
General Medicine APT
General Surgery BES Fellow
General Surgery CRS Fellow
Haematology (Laboratory) Registrar
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) - Registrar / Fellow
Medical Oncology Registrar
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre: General Practice Registrar
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre: Registrar in Sexual Health Medicine
Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Registrars
Nuclear Medicine Registrar
Neurology Registrar
Neurosurgery Registrar
Neurosurgery Registrar (Unaccredited)
Ophthalmology Junior Registrar (Part Time)
Ophthalmology Senior Registrar
Orthopaedic Surgery Fellow
Orthopaedic Surgery Registrar
Orthopaedic Surgery Registrar (Unaccredited)
Paediatric Registrar
Pain Medicine Fellow
Palliative Medicine Registrar
Plastics Registrar (Unaccredited)
Psychiatry Registrar
Radiology Registrar (Year 1)
Radiology Body Fellow
Radiology Diagnostic Neuroradiology Fellow
Radiology Interventional Fellow
Radiation Oncology Registrar
Rehabilitation Medicine Registrar
Renal Medicine Advanced Physician Training
Respiratory Medicine Advanced Physician Training
Rheumatology Registrar
Surgical Trainees (including SET 2)
Urology Fellow
Urology Registrar
Vascular Registrar