Radiology Registrar (Year 1)
Each year, applications are invited from suitably qualified medical officers of at least PGY2 level wishing to enter a 5 year training program accredited by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiology.
Radiology registrars are rostered at The Alfred and Sandringham Hospitals.
The program includes two 4 month mandatory country rotations (Latrobe and Sale).
Find out more about our Radiology service.

Alfred Radiology Registrars 2026 Information Night
Monday 7 April at 6 - 7pm via MS Teams
Please email Charlotte Nilsson-Liu : for your MS Teams link.
How to apply to Alfred Health
Applications must be made to both the PMCV and Alfred Health
1. Read the How to Guide for your position
Go to PMCV Computer Matching Online. Locate and read the How to Guide. Carefully review the eligibility requirements for the match. Determine if you meet the eligibility criteria for participation in the match and if required, check what documentation is needed to support your eligibility to forward to the PMCV to participate in the match. If unsure, contact the PMCV.
2: Register online
Register on PMCV Computer Matching Online. Once logged in, go to Manage My Application and follow the links to complete and return your Candidate Priority List (listing The Alfred as your first choice) and arrange for the PMCV online submission of Referee Assessment Forms following the instructions on PMCV Computer Matching Online. This should include contacting your nominated referees to ensure they complete the online form by the due dates. All referees must be at Consultant level.
3: Apply online
Select Apply now. Complete and submit the Alfred Health application form online, together with your standard Curriculum Vitae (CV). You can download the standard CV template from the PMCV.
4: Be available for interview
Only applicants who have been selected for an interview will receive an email to book an interview time.