Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


Emma in the WardRobe
Welcome to our WardRobe
14 October 2020
Update: We'd like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who reached out, donated and supported our Psychiatry WardRobe project. We've received overwhelming support from our community and staff have been busy sorting clothing donations which will well and truly see us through the coming months. For now, we are unable to accept any further donations - but as the WardRobe is a permanent feature in our unit, we will post an update as soon as we have capacity to accept more donations of your pre-loved clothing.
mental health
Awareness key in limiting thrombosis
13 October 2020
As a fit and healthy 18-year-old Dominic Mazzeo paid little attention when he began experiencing pain in his stomach, in hindsight he wishes he had.
emergency & trauma
Lockdown impacts on women’s mental health
13 October 2020
Victoria’s COVID-19 lockdown measures have taken their toll on everyone, but it’s women who are struggling most.
mental health
Camp fire
Slow down around fire
9 October 2020
On a cold August night Andrea Pfeffermann-Hegmann went to light her wood fire heater the same we she had each winter night for the past 20 years.
emergency & trauma
Junior doctor undertaking the Psychological First Aid course
First aid for the mind
9 October 2020
Our Mental and Addiction Health team have created a Psychological First Aid (PFA) course to equip our staff with the skills to help someone in distress.
mental health
Front of The Alfred
Alfred Health’s role in mandatory quarantine
8 October 2020
Alfred Health has supported the mandatory quarantine program at the request of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and subsequently Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS), to help protect the Victorian community from further spread of COVID-19.  
Leading researcher honoured
7 October 2020
Associate Professor Eric Chow from the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and Monash University was recently awarded the 2020 Commonwealth Health Minister’s Award for Excellence in Health and Medical Research.
research & innovation
sexual health
Fertility hope for testicular cancer patients
5 October 2020
The Alfred has banded together with a private IVF company to save a patient's chance of having children after he was diagnosed with testicular cancer.
research & innovation
COVID-19 vigilance urged ahead of hay fever season
2 October 2020
With COVID-19 still transmitting within community, Alfred Health allergy experts are urging hay fever sufferers not to ignore their symptoms as spring approaches.
hay fever
Principal investigator working closely with trial coordinator nurse to safely deliver a brand new cancer drug to their patient.
First-in-world cancer trials at The Alfred
25 September 2020
Alfred Cancer Trials (ACT) has begun testing two new Phase 1 cancer drugs, treating the first patients in the world on these trials.
cancer research
research & innovation