Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


Help support the 2016 Father’s Day Appeal
29 August 2016
This week, The Alfred will be celebrating some very special dads following the launch of the 2016 Father's Day Appeal.
Alfred Health launches PrEPX
29 August 2016
More than 1300 Victorians have enrolled in an Alfred Health study that will provide unprecedented access to life-changing HIV prevention medication across the state.
research & innovation
Weight-loss surgery at no cost to patient
24 August 2016
The Alfred is one of few public hospitals in Australia to offer weight loss surgery at no cost to the patient.
Surgeons hands
No Mycobacterial infection cases at The Alfred
24 August 2016
There have been no Victorian patients identified with the bacterial infection, known as Mycobacterium chimaera, since an international alert for regular testing of heater/cooler units was issued earlier this year. 
The stranger who saved my life
4 August 2016
I grew up with half a heart. As a child, I struggled to run around with the other kids and as I grew, so did the struggle to keep up.
organ donation
Aimee and Jamie
2 August 2016
Imagine having the ability to change someone’s life with a phone call.
organ donation
Marathon walk raises vital funds
2 August 2016
Sandringham Hospital staff walk 600 kilometres to raise almost $11,000 in 24-hour marathon. 
Reducing the appeal of sugar-sweetened drinks
31 July 2016
Staff and visitors at The Alfred are making healthier drink choices – with the hospital’s on-site retailers participating in a series of world-first trials that will see sugar-sweetened beverage sales fall by 36,500 drinks each year.
Sandy exterior artist rendition
Sandringham Hospital staff to walk for 24-hours
27 July 2016
Sandringham Hospital staff will be taking part in a 24-hour walk this Friday July 29 to help raise funds to build a new day procedure centre at the hospital.
Physio staff helping rehab patient
More physiotherapy helps patients recover faster
18 July 2016
An intensive new physiotherapy routine will see some patients able to return home from hospital much earlier following major surgery, new research at The Alfred has found. 