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Acute Leukaemia Research Group
Acute Leukaemia Research Group
Cancer Guidelines Wiki
Rebecca Mattison
Her experience over that period has led her to develop an unwavering commitment to empowering the hospital workforce. Bec believes it is crucial develop high-functioning multi-disciplinary teams, the sort of teams key to the effectiveness of patient care in high-pressure environments such as the Emergency & Trauma Centre. Bec says…
Mr Bernie Slagtman
Mr Bernie Slagtman
Mr Simon Ruth
Mr Simon Ruth
Mr Max Niggl
Prior to his retirement in 2019, Max worked for 20 years at Living Positive Victoria as the Positive Speakers Bureau Coordinator where he managed a state wide program educating people (especially secondary school students) about HIV and sexual health. Public speaking training, community development, peer support, and health promotion were…
Mr David Menadue
Mr David Menadue
Mr Philip Elphinstone
Mr Philip Elphinstone
The Alfred - Patient and Family Accommodation Resource Booklet