Further support and useful resources

We offer a number of programs and workshops, facilitated by our Peer Workers and designed to learn about eating disorders and recovery.

Nourishing Parents 

Nourishing Parents is facilitated by our Family Peer Worker, who also has a lived experience of caring for a young person who has recovered from an eating disorder. This program is a four-week course for parents who are just getting started with the program and who are undertaking parent-led re-feeding.

Parents undertaking this course are provided with the opportunity to meet with other parents who are in similar stages of eating disorder treatment. In this shared space,  parents learn about eating disorders and recovery together.

Collaborative Care Skills Workshop

The Collaborative Care Skills Workshop is a six week skills-based course for carers facilitated by a Senior Family Peer Worker and a Senior Mental Health Clinician. Initially developed by Janet Treasure at the Maudsley Hospital in the UK, the course is designed for those parents/carers whose young person has been unwell with an eating disorder for a while and/or where the young person might be older and/or more independent.

* Please note this group is dependent on the nature of the families being treated at any one time.  It is also dependent on infection control guidelines as determined by The Alfred.

Family and Carer Coaching

Our Family Peer Worker provides parent to parent coaching and peer support. They have a lived experience of caring for a young person who has recovered from an eating disorder.

Peer Support

Our Youth Peer Worker, who is in recovery from an eating disorder, is available to provide peer support to young people.

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