Our team

Our specialist team of health professionals, many with lived experience, work in partnership with case managers to provide holistic care to young people and their families.

The Eating Disorder Program (EDP) Wrap-Around Team

The EDP wrap around team is a specialist team of professionals with lived experience and professional backgrounds. We work in partnership with case managers to provide holistic care to young people and their families. Operating from a ‘resources on tap, not on top’ principle, the team are brought in when invited and can provide support alongside the therapeutic work your family are engaged in with your case manager.

A ‘case manager’ is appointed to each young person and their family. The case manager is the ‘go-to’ person and are responsible for coordinating care and monitoring your family’s progress towards your goals. The case manager is the main clinician who works directly with the family to support the young person’s recovery.

You can also expect to meet with the following;

  • Dietitians - bring eating disorder specific nutritional knowledge and intervention, as well as education about recovering from malnutrition, eating behaviour and patterns.
  • Nurses - support the integration of physical health assessments and support managing malnutrition, as well as providing nursing care for other physical health concerns and education to families.
  • Family Peer Workers - bring the lived experience of caring for a yound person with eating difficulties, direct experience of participating in treatment and hope through mutual experience.
  • Mental Health Clinicians - bring understanding of the impact of eating difficulties have on families and individuals, they also bring expertise in making sense of the difficulties that young people and their families are experiencing.
  • Psychiatrist - in addition to the expertise offered by our team of health professionals, the psychiatrist can offer specific medical and psychiatric opinion when needed.