What we do
We draw on the principles of the evidence-based Family Based Therapy treatment, believing that parents and carers are the most useful resource in treatment for their young person with an eating disorder.
Our approach
Recovery from anorexia nervosa involves restoring weight and health, getting back to normal eating behaviours and helping young people deal with ongoing fears, mood problems and body image concerns.
Families are a key resource in recovery, but we understand they may feel isolated and under pressure in meeting these challenges.
Our Philosophy
- Recovery is expected
- Families are engaged in a purposeful partnership with us
- Parents are the best resource for change
- Problem solving practical things are our priority
- We may never know what has caused the eating disorder, it is rarely one thing. Trying to work this out usually doesn't help and might get in the way of us finding solutions.
- What works for some does not work for all; we will try our best to tailor treatment to meet the needs of the family.
Principles of the program
We take a flexible, purposeful and family centred approach to treatment that is tailored to each child or young person’s individual needs. We combine our expertise with feedback from your family to guide our treatment approach. Hospital treatment may be necessary during the course of care at Alfred CYMHS for management of acute medical risk only.
Our Hope
Recovery is all about belief, hope and persistence. We strive to have impactful, healing and hopeful meetings with your child or young person and their family/carers that are tailored to each family’s needs.
What to expect