Bariatric Service
The Alfred's Upper GI Unit performs bariatric surgery for patients thoughout the state. With an obesity epidemic threatening the health of Australians, baritatric surgery is one way to tackle the problem.
There is significant evidence that all bariatric procedures can help people lose around 50 per cent of their excess weight safely and keep it off with consequent improvements to health and longevity.
Our services, education, and research

Health Improvement and Weight Management Program
Alfred health has introduced a Health Improvement Program for patients to complete prior to attending the Bariatric Clinic.
Patients become an active participant in this process by completing an eight week health improvement and weigfht management program online.
This program must be completed before patients can make an appointment for the Bariatric Clinic.
Find out how to access this program
Multidisciplinary Bariatric Clinic
Our specialist multidisciplinary Bariatric Clinic includes a general surgeon, respiratory physician, general medicine physician, dietician and a registered nurse.
Patients work with our specialist team to decide on the best care option for them:
- Laparoscopic banding surgery
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Other bariatric surgeries
Care may also include conservative treatment for a period of time depending on the patients' clinic health assessment and lifestyle requirements.
Find out more
Surgery for morbidly obese patients
In line with the Department of Health's framework for bariatric surgery, candidates for surgery should:
- have either a BMI greater than 40, or less than 35 with two or more morbid obesity related co-morbidities
- be aged between 18 and 65 years
- have tried but failed to achieve or maintain clinically beneficial weight loss using non-surgical measures
Patients need a referral to the Bariatric Clinic for this surgery.
Find out more
Centre for Obesity Research and Education (CORE)
Obesity is a major health problem, with around 27 per cent of the population now classified as obese.
The Bariatric Service is managed by seven surgeons with a dedication to teaching and research.
Our research is about finding treatments for this group of patients, as well as promoting the idea that obesity is a disease. We have an active clinical research program, which includes collaborative studies with other departments and institutions including the Centre for Obesity Research and Education (CORE).
Find out more about COREReferral forms
We require the following forms to be completed in full in order to process any referral to this service.