Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


Thunderstorm asthma - why does it happen?
24 November 2016
Thousands of Melburnians suffered severe asthma attacks during Monday's weather event - but why did it happen?
Patient with family
Annual Meeting 2016: Chief Executive’s Address
24 November 2016
More than 150 people attended our Annual Meeting on Wednesday, 23 November - coming together to hear about patient care, highlights and improvements across Alfred Health over the past year.
Major grant for Sandringham Day Procedure Centre
24 November 2016
Sandringham Hospital’s day procedure centre is a major step closer to reality following a significant donation from the Sandringham Community Bank. 
Hospitals inundated in ‘thunderstorm asthma’ crisis
23 November 2016
The Alfred and Sandringham emergency departments were inundated with people suffering respiratory distress during Melbourne's 'thunderstorm asthma' crisis.
Changes to disabled car parking at The Alfred
17 November 2016
New car parking arrangements at The Alfred will see more disabled car parking spaces available in areas that are undercover, secure and easy to access.
“Perfect storm” could spell the end of modern antibiotics
16 November 2016
Superbugs are no longer confined to science fiction – they are now a very real threat.  
Emergency Department street entrance relocates ahead of redevelopment
15 November 2016
Patients requiring urgent care now access The Alfred’s emergency department via a dedicated foot ramp along the hospital’s main Commercial Road driveway.
emergency & trauma
A/Prof Andrew Wei, Haematologist
New centre dedicated to blood cancer research
15 November 2016
The Alfred and Monash University are set to establish Australia’s first dedicated blood cancer research centre, thanks to a $1.2 million grant from the Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF).
blood cancers
research & innovation
Professor Paul Myles
The Alfred cuts risks in open heart surgery
24 October 2016
New research from The Alfred could nearly halve the number of people who suffer complications with bleeding following open heart and other major surgery. 
research & innovation
Michael’s second chance at life
20 October 2016
At 3am on July 9 last year, Michael Zigomanis' heart stopped.