Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


The Alfred Foundation
Donors help fund Australian-first technology
6 April 2023
In an Australian first, The Alfred Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is now home to a mobile computed tomography (CT) scanner. With no other ICU in the country using mobile CT, the installation of the machine in 2022 was the culmination of a six-year project to revolutionise the way ICU patients, especially those who need head CT scans, are cared for. Costing just more than $1 million to purchase and install, the project could never have been achieved without the $850,000 generously contributed by the community.
emergency & trauma
intensive care
research & innovation
the alfred foundation
Lindsay Fox and Paula Fox among the first Alfred Patrons
29 July 2022
The Alfred Patrons Program launched this year as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations. It honours Alfred Health’s most significant supporters, celebrating their commitment and aims to create a long-term legacy of philanthropy. 
research & innovation
the alfred foundation
Riding from Victoria to Queensland for a cure
16 May 2022
In early 2020 Anthony Moffatt received news that no one wants to hear. After suffering a massive seizure, an MRI revealed the previously healthy 54-year-old had a brain tumour.
the alfred foundation
Kelvin and his daughter Natalie revisit nurses Lily, Jessie and Caitlyn on Ward 2 West
Give for dads this Father’s Day
14 August 2019
The Alfred has launched its 2019 Father’s Day Appeal, asking Victorians to ‘G1ve 4 Life’ to help provide critical care and services for dads and their families when they need it most.
the alfred foundation
Giving back
8 March 2019
So grateful was one family for the care of their son that they generously gifted our Tartan About fundraising team enough to achieve their target sum.
the alfred foundation
Dr Helen Stergiou with Neil Mitchell in the 3AW booth
Community gets behind dads with $1.1 million appeal
3 September 2018
The Alfred is celebrating its most successful Father's Day Appeal ever after a massive $1,108,803 was donated to the hospital.
the alfred foundation
James Lake and his son Spencer
Support The Alfred G1VE4DADS appeal
27 August 2018
The Alfred will kick off its annual Father’s Day Appeal on Friday 31 August and this year there’s a special twist – every dollar raised will be multiplied by four.
the alfred foundation
The Alfred’s multi-million-dollar Emergency & Trauma Centre upgrade complete
25 June 2018
The Alfred has increased its capacity to care for the state’s sickest and most severely injured patients thanks to a multi-million-dollar upgrade of the Eva and Les Erdi Emergency and Trauma Centre.
emergency & trauma
the alfred foundation
The Alfred Centre 10 years on
5 December 2017
The Alfred Centre celebrated a very special milestone this year: a decade of exceptional patient care.
the alfred foundation