Carer Services

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At Alfred Health Carer Services, we support people who care.

Who we care for

We offer information, support and resources for carers and young carers (25 years and under) who provide ongoing unpaid personal care or support. You may be caring for someone who has a disability, mental illness, chronic (long-term) illness, aged related condition, or someone receiving palliative care.

Every caring journey has its challenges. Maintaining your own health and wellbeing is important. We can help you find the most useful supports for your situation.

We service these areas:

Alfred Health Carer Services supports carers who live in Melbourne’s southern metropolitan region, this includes local government areas of Port Phillip, Stonnington, Glen Eira, Bayside, Kingston, Greater Dandenong, Casey, Frankston, Cardinia Shire and the Mornington Peninsula Shire.

Services available:

We provide Carer Gateway (Commonwealth-funded) and Support for Carers (State-funded) services. We talk with you about your caring role and provide free:

  • Individualised support for you to focus on your own needs and personal goals
  • Information and assistance to connect you with the right support services
  • Support to access respite and equipment
  • Facilitated coaching
  • Peer-to-peer support to enhance your wellbeing
  • Events that focus on education, peer support and social connection.

Carers of all ages can access our supports and services. If you are caring for an older person, we also provide respite services, resources and supported activities for older people with care needs via the Commonwealth Home Support Program. Fees apply for this program.

How to contact us:

  • Call us on 1800 51 21 21, Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
  • For an interpreter, call Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450 to arrange a call to speak with us
  • Visit our website
  • For emergency respite and after-hours support call Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737
  • has many online options to help reduce the strain of caring. These include peer support, self-guided coaching, phone-based counselling and courses on practical skills.
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